Saturday, May 20, 2017

What a difference 8 years make

Getting the Platinum red carpet treatment, President Trump signed an immediate $110 billion dollar defense deal with Saudi Arabia today and $350 billion over ten years with a common goal of defeating ISIS.


Anonymous said...

I watched the entire pomp and circumstance. It was very impressive. Crazy Iran needs to be worried.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that one is not a Muslim, bravo for bringing Mrs Trump along and not forwarding the anti woman agenda.

Anonymous said...

I too was impressed, but let's hope it is a harbinger for world peace, not just an interesting spectacle. For me, it is a reminder of the days of Empire, with the United States taking the place of The British Empire. To see our own Wilbur Ross dancing the Sword Dance, was something I never expected to see, and I'm sure he never imagined it either.

Anonymous said...

Peace thru strength.