Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Quote of the Day - Ted Cruz on Expatriate Terrorist Act

“The Expatriate Terrorist Act will ensure that any American who forfeits their country to intentionally join [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria] will have their citizenship stripped and won’t be able to use a U.S. passport to come back and murder American citizens.”

~ Sen Ted Cruz

From The Hill:
Under this bill, an individual could have their U.S. citizenship revoked if they pledge allegiance to, work for or serve in the military of a group or government designated as a foreign terrorist organization; commit treason against or try to overthrow the U.S. government, or provide material support to a terrorist group. Cruz’s bill would also let the secretary of State deny a passport to someone who joined or is trying to join a terrorist organization or is a “threat to the national security interest of the United States.” An individual would have 60 days to try to appeal the State Department’s decision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great! We likely have some now here in the USA that should be deported and have their citizenship and passports taken away! Keep working to make America Great Again!