Wednesday, April 6, 2016

People are Handicapped - Special Interests and Atlanta Braves

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Lee Lipton, Owner of Benny's on the Beach who gave each incumbent $1,000 contribution towards their re-election, at the Palm Beach County Commission meeting yesterday sitting in a handicapped seat.

I guess the only people really handicapped are all those who want to save our park from bulldozing for a corporate raider that wants the taxpayers of Palm Beach County to foot the $110 million dollar tab.  We don't have the clout. We don't have the money.  What we do have is integrity.


Anonymous said...

His handicap status is protected under ADA and HIIPA, and no one has the right to question a persons status. It's not like driving car and parking spot where you must display a handicap sticker.

Funny you don't even question the status of the younger man sitting to his right..

Lynn Anderson said...

It wasn't the row--it was the seat.
I was not saying that he was NOT handicapped, just that he was sitting there.
Frankly, I think anyone supporting the destruction of acreage in JPP, IS handicapped.

Anonymous said...

the only thing handicaped about Lipton is his lousy expensive food.

Anonymous said...

I guess since he is mentally handicapped he gets to take that seat.