Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Another Crime downtown Lake Worth

Media Alert

Time:           10:00 pm – Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Location:    19 South K Street, Lake Worth

The victim was attempting to enter her vehicle, red Pontiac G5, when a masked suspect pushed her into the front seat demanding her purse, phone and keys.  The suspect forcibly removed the victim from her car as she fought back.  The suspect fled with the victim’s car and purse. 

Detectives from the Robbery Division are currently investigating this incident.

More information will be released when it becomes available.

PBSO REMINDS the public …

•     If you can, leave your purse at home and carry only what you need, such as; your ID, money, and one credit card tucked safely in your pocket.
•     Walk in busy, well lit areas.
•     Hold your purse tightly and close to your body.  If possible, conceal underneath a coat or jacket.
•     Carry your keys in your hand.
•     REMEMBER YOU COME FIRST.  If a suspect pulls your purse away from you, let it go!

Just great. The PBSO is telling us how to protect ourselves. How much do we pay them? $1.2 million a month and crime is out of control.

Instead of our Trio concentrating on the ruination of John Prince Park for a billion dollar corporation that wants us to pick up the tab, they should be concentrating on the escalating crime in our city.

This took place at 19 S. K Street, the City owned parking lot behind Rotelli's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really scary to me. I don't think I will be going downtown any time soon. It's just becoming a den of thieves. I don't understand why we cannot have this effectively policed. Do we have to be armed to visit downtown?