Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Scott Maxwell, the bully

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Vice Mayor of Lake Worth, Scott Maxwell, spoke before the Palm Beach County Commission yesterday giving all the reasons why he wants the Atlanta Braves to come to John Prince Park. He and I had a brief encounter prior to the meeting--

Scott: Don't take my picture.
Me: You are a public figure in a public building.
Scott: Stop following me around.
Me: That's the last thing I would want to do.

Scott is not shy about publicity and is a total bulldog for getting his way (trampling over residents in his own district) even carrying a baseball bat but doesn't like his photo taken? The truth is he hates resistance. Everyone should shut the hell up unless they agree with him.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Maybe he will pay us to shut up. Hope he has lots and lots of money. My fee is $250,000 up front and $20,000 a month until his term ends.

Anonymous said...

I find it fishy that HH "contributed" $20,000+ to a position that only pays $14,000 a year for "possible influence." There is a reason Maxwell wants the park to be taken over, most likely personal benefits. Corruption knows no bounds. Between that, the Rutsky / Trilo utility bill ethical dilemma, huge outlandish raises for ONLY upper management, the BIOS Commision voting system and Officer Petrino's fight for employee rights. Maybe this will be cherry that pops the top off for a FBI Investigation into this corrupt City! Come on theres got to be a reason the Financial Director resigns each year...

Anonymous said...

The financial directors "resign" when they are fired for being honest. Just like the last gentleman who was much more highly qualified, and made the mistake of angering Professor Maxwell by simply stating the truth. That before Maxwell's added expenses in the beach fund, it was in the black. OH MY GOODNESS! Maxwell's hammer! The poor man didn't realize he was required to fudge the numbers to be paid. Therefore this highly educated man was forced to sign a fantasy letter of resignation, badly written, complete with typos and spelling errors. Just about as believable as the cow jumped over the ball park and produced magical milk for the entire state. And they all drank it and lived happily ever after with so much money they had to build 40 more stadiums. Everything was solved, the roads healed themselves, and all the right people lived richly ever after.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 1:23-- Love your attitude and statement! Hey, shouldn't they share some of the pay-to-play money if we taxpayers are ultimately paying for their ball park?
Where all the poor folks they say they are helping, will now have no where to go because they can't pony up the $$ to even think about going to one of their games at what formerly was a park they and everyone could use?
A park, by the way, where I just found some 9 burrows of the gopher tortoise in less than two hours... There is such magic over there, the magic of wild, the richness of 80 years of nature. And almost all the plants are healthier than what you see in a nursery. You just can't duplicate that: the balance of nature undisturbed. And we (I was privileged to be accompanied by two professors with cameras who schooled me in so much) even saw a spoonbill. Gorgeous colors and I had never before seen one at JPP. Magical afternoon, and quite renewing!

Anonymous said...

I'll just betcha that $20 grand from HH is a down payment on a beach. I think then the proverbial chit may again hit the fan.
Sadly, I learned today that from way back this has always been the history of government in Lake Worth. How do you root out a dark legacy of many long years like that without an up front IG? Document and go to the Justice Dept?

Anonymous said...

Sure it's fishy. Just like Benny's fish. And for that matter Dave's as well.
And magawatts from Tallahassee.....

Anonymous said...

We must be living in a fairy tale for all this to be going on and the government to have not investigated. Yah know Mr. Petrino is a code guy id put money on it he knows whats going on behind the scenes since code is always in the spotlight. Bornstien wants to keep them happy thats why he's always writing bout them and maxwells whole interview before the election was about code. Doesnt HH have code cases on them? Hmm...