Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ted Cruz Flat Tax

Why should we discriminate against income levels?  Why are the liberals, especially Bernie, always wanting to take from the billionaires and give to those who aren't even working. I agree with Bernie when he says, "Stop corporations from shifting profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying taxes. I will tax Wall St. speculators who caused millions their jobs, homes, and life savings."

Ted Cruz's plan would tax corporations at 16% and stop all the loopholes.

Wouldn't everyone, regardless of income, paying the same rate, be the fairest solution?  The individual would pay 10%.
  • A family of four will pay no taxes on their first $36,000 of income.
  • The plan exempts a large amount of initial income for low- and middle-income taxpayers, with a $10,000 standard deduction and $4,000 personal exemption. It also keeps the Child Tax Credit and expands and modernizes the Earned Income Tax Credit with greater anti-fraud and pro-marriage reforms.
  • The plan keeps the charitable giving deduction and features a home mortgage interest deduction, capped at principal value of $500,000.
The guy who chooses to surf all day instead of getting a job pays nothing but still can get Medicaid, etc. Not fair you say?  Probably not, but what is unfair is taxing the wealthy more than their fair share and trying to take it all.  Bernie says that's fair!

We have reckless, out of control spending in this country. With the debt at over $19 trillion dollars.  That is insane! I want to see the next president do something about that.

The Ted Cruz Simple Flat Tax will:
  • Boost Gross Domestic Product by 13.9 percent above what is currently projected.
  • Increase wages by 12.2 percent.
  • Create 4,861,000 additional jobs.


Anonymous said...

Exactly how do you figure a 12.2% increase in wages? I haven't seen anything from the wannabes about this…

I'm seeing some states now $15 an hour min wage... If you're in New York City or San Francisco I can see that minimum-wage… But across this country, a min wage of $15 will put small businesses out of business

Anonymous said...

doesn't matter he is done and always knew never a chance