Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cara Jennings screaming at Rick Scott

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Screaming at Rick Scott, the ONLY embarrassment here is Cara Jennings. Why do people have to be so rude and so angry. Screaming doesn't get you anywhere.

Gov. Rick Scott, since December 2010, has created 1,056,000 private-sector jobs in Florida. Florida businesses created 235,200 private-sector jobs over the preceding year in February, exceeding the nation’s private-sector job growth rate. Source:  PolitiFact


Anonymous said...

One of the really good things he did was deny this commission money for the Park of Commerce. Boy, I bet that pissed off Scott Maxwell and Pam Triolo. They both have excuses for that too.

Anonymous said...

we have several people here who refuse to grow up. Cara is not alone. There's Blackman who is nearly 20 years older than Cara who plays silly games and then you have those idiots wearing the blue shirts yesterday.

Lynn Anderson said...

I haven't ever seen her that mad. I guess what came close was the Scott Maxwell incident of years ago at Nature's Way calling him a "racist." I didn't agree with her on that one either.

Anonymous said...

I can understand Cara's frustrations today. Today no one listens to you anymore. We are nothing to them, the politicians and employers. I see it in my own work place, we do not matter. They do not listen to us. Politicians do not listen to us, look at maxwell and vana. People are fed up, writing a letter or screaming at them, nothing works anymore, they don't care, we don not matter, plan and simple. That is the sad truth, I see it everyday at work and in politics. It is very sad, our society as we know it is doomed I am afraid.

Anonymous said...

Cara Jennings behaved very badly IMO. And what is she doing sitting in a Starbucks in Gaineville, over 275 miles north of Lake Worth? The whole video reeks of a setup. She knew she was being filmed. And I though she had already finished school. For a almost 40-year-old person to behave this way is very inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this on the Chan 5 news, I thought it was perfectly fine, she has the right to speak out and she has a legitimate complaint. FL is not taking care of people correctly, politicians do not care, I do not care how many jobs creates, he has dumbed down and hurt our system here because of his mediocrity. There is no quality here anymore. Look at education in this state, it is horrible. Teachers are never given raises almost ever, very bad state for the common person here. Thank you Cara for caring! I would vote for her for governor!

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Cara did. I see nothing wrong with what she did here. It is true that politicians just do not care nor listen. She did what she had to do to make a very valid point. Thank you Cara for working hard for the people of FL. You are a stellar citizen! Thanks for caring Cara! We need more people like you!

Anonymous said...

So jennings is not "the best commissioner ever" anymore because she yelled at the douche scott? I was wondering how you would try to spin that.

Lynn Anderson said...

Look, Wes...I never said she was the best commissioner ever. I have said that she has stood up for the people. You are the one who coined the BCE tag. What I have said that I have disagreed with her on several important issues but for the most part, she was always honest, not on the take and clearly not self-serving in anyway, unlike what's going on today in this city.

Anonymous said...

Go Cara!

Anonymous said...

How did you like how she disrespected the Starbucks employee trying to calm her down? The asshole was the one doing the yelling. I don't like Scott and think he bought the position two times in a row, but what point did she make?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a Starbucks employee. The person that tried to intervene is one of Scott's PR persons who was trying her best to sanitize the situation -- maybe get them to pose for a picture together and make sure everything looks great and friendly. It's her job to hide all negative views of the Gov. As you can imagine, this is a hectic job.
She tried to control the message but the force of Jennings was too much for them to handle.

Lynn Anderson said...

You mean the MOUTH of Jennings.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Cara. Our politicians need to be shouted at more often. They are surrounded and coddled by sycophants. Rick Scott has been a nightmare in many ways for the people ,wild life and businesses in this state.All they do is play kissy face with each other as they work deals out of the public eye.Look at our own trio of deal makers here in Lake Worth.Look at Scott Maxwell and Shelley Vana at the County Commission meeting. Fawning all over each other. Hardley professional.Again ,congratulations to Cara. Politicians need to hear what people really think about them.I'm a conservative Republican and I hate Rick Scott,better known as Skeletor. We deserve better,both in Tallahassee,Palm Beach County and Lake Worth. Katie Mcgiveron

Lynn Anderson said...

I totally disagree with my compatriot at 5:11.
You don't talk to people like that. That's what's disgusting!
I like Rick Scott, so each to his own. He showed class and walked away. What was hurled at him was awful. You can tell politicians what you think of them but not yelling obscenities.
I agree with him NOT expanding Medicaid. I agree with him on Obamacare. I also think that there is a warped thinking in this country that everyone seems to believe that they are entitled to everything and the government should pay for it.

Anonymous said...
Whaling Jennings is back!!!
( sorry, I mean she unfortunately has never left...)

Anonymous said...

The video does not show the first part of the conversation which began more calmly with Rick Scott deflecting criticism and being dismissive. For those of you who are so focused on tone policing, ask Cara how many times she made the trek up to Tallahassee to meet with Rick Scott and was denied each and every time. When those kinds of efforts are ignored time and time again, especially by people in positions of tremendous power, sometimes you gotta send the message loud and clear. That's what Cara did and I support her 100%.