Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Lake Worth "Players" - Atlanta Braves

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WPTV on County Commission Meeting (click this link to see video) by Gabrielle Sarann who was there for hours yesterday.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell from Lake Worth led the charge for ruining a county park. Backed by special interests--union contractors, downtown merchants, Benny's on the Beach's Lee Lipton, Dave from Dave's Last Resort and even Callaros owner, Beth Scragg. Callaros is where all the Lake Worth upper management have lunch. It's been suggested that the city runs a tab. Dolores Key was on the job sent by the city to accompany Scott Maxwell. She is the Economic Development Director for Lake Worth.

Lake Worth likes to tell you that this is a Palm Beach County decision but the city manager, Michael Bornstein and staff along with the city commission have been lobbying and working hard to achieve this end even dinner meetings at City Place.

Katie McGiveron, President of ROLO Neighborhood Association, an area that lies adjacent to John Prince Park.

Not once has she been contacted by her District Commissioner, Scott Maxwell, regarding her neighborhood and the affects that a national Spring training baseball facility would impose--not only on those living there but all the quality of life in general for all living creatures.

Last night, the entire Trio that supports developers and businesses over people in single family residences, passed a resolution in support of the Atlanta Braves coming to John Prince Park with dreams (fantasies) of riches for Lake Worth. All three gave excuses as to why they haven't contacted ROLO--No one invited them, they said.


Anonymous said...

Scott won another election with special interest money. Who can be surprised by this man? Lake Worth has been seized by a self-serving trickster and the other two air heads follow his lead.

Anonymous said...

Once again they just don't get it. It's not about how much fun everyone can have if the ball park is here. Not one of the supporters addressed the environmental issues, wildlife issues, lighting issues and how it will affect the wildlife and the people living in the surrounding areas, just how many jobs it will create (part time jobs at best, traffic issues, noise issues, or how much time is wasted trying to get from one end of town to another. All they could say is how important it is to them to have fun. Whoopee!!!! Then they had the nerve to say that it is up to Palm Beach County, that's bull shit in the biggest form. They are the ones lobbying for it to be in John Prince Park. LIARS ONCE AGAIN. Why didn't they bring this up before the election. Chicken shits.

Anonymous said...

Scott Maxwell has thrown his own neighborhood assoc under the bus. Scott seems to serve special interests, not his residents. Two of four Lake Worth Commissioners found out about it by seeing it in the Palm Beach Post newspaper! How long has Maxwell commandeered city employees like City manager Mike Bornstein and city attorney Glen Torcivia to work on this behind the scenes?

Anonymous said...

I think that Scott Maxwell has a hand full of people in Lake Osborne area on his side. And of course he brings them to the meetings. I think this matter should be voted on by the people of Lake Worth in a controlled voting situation so that the group can not skew the results.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, we voted on a downtown Heights Charter amendment and you see what good that did us. This trio ignored it because of their special interest agenda.

So much for the vote and democracy in this corrupt city.

Anonymous said...

The thing is how do you stop it when it has gotten this big? I used to wonder how places like Chicago could get so bad and no one cried foul. And nightmare scenario, I see it happening right before my eyes where I live. And growing so rapidly. Like meth resistant staph dripping from the ceiling and doubling with each election. How do you even start to fight that much bought and paid for government without any outside help? Corruption breeds more and more powerful corruption, just with an ever enlarging price tag. I'm not a millionaire or a billionaire. And if the IG is personal friends with the City Manager and helps to remove government from the Sunshine? It's like trying to fight the Mafia with a sling shot and principles.