Friday, April 1, 2016

Lake Worth Employee Writes to City officials on his Pension

Comment Up

Letter to the City Officials from a Stand-Up Guy:

Nicholas M. Petrino  
11:41 AM      

Ms. Triolo,
Mr. Bornstein,
City of Lake Worth Commissioners,
City of Lake Worth Union,
Associated Parties of Interest:

I am an employee of the City of Lake Worth and have been since 2006. As an employee, I signed up for the pension plan that was in place at the time. This was a condition of my employment and it allowed me to collect for retirement after 20 years of service. I have always taken great personal and professional pride in completing any task assigned to me to the best of my abilities. As a lifeguard from 2006-2014 I protected the patrons who attended Lake Worth Beach and was proud to create a safe environment for all to enjoy. In 2014 I became a Code Compliance Officer, for which I am truly grateful to be able work further for the residents of my City in an effort to help create a pleasant community atmosphere. Overall I have devoted a decade of my life to this City, working through the trials the employees have faced with a positive attitude, hoping that the circumstances might change; that they had to change.

I have enjoyed helping this City both as an employee and volunteer for various community activities. I now have to ask, where has my devotion gotten me? I feel my future is at stake. 

This City made promises to me, as well as to others, prior to 2010 with regards to pay and retirement. Many of us have worked diligently since then without any form of incremental pay raise, for that “promise” of a long-term benefit. Now, after investing so much of my life and my family’s financial wellbeing to stay with this City, I believe that the rug is being pulled out from under me. I want what I signed up for, nothing more and nothing less.  I believe forcing me to change my contract to lose the retirement benefit I signed up for to be a violation of my rights as an employee, and quite frankly, personally offensive. We hear the City is in serious financial trouble. If so, how can they afford “for some, tens of thousands of dollars per person” yearly raises for the City Manager, Department Heads, IBEW, City Magistrate and Attorneys & etc., as well as allocating money for “special” projects? At best, the optics are terrible.

Spectacular parades, community involvement, crime walks, artisanal districts and a mixture of highly motivated citizens make this City special. Why can’t some of the same effort be used to find funds for the employees who work so hard for the City of Lake Worth? We feel that we have no importance. Aren’t our efforts worth something? Its disconcerting when the topic of employees arise it falls on deaf ears and is met with cold hearts, half-truths and blatant lies. History as has shown us over and over again that knowledge is key. Treating the employees fairly would directly result in a higher retention rating thus expanding the job knowledge within this City. Which would benefit both the City and the community. Over the years the City has proven a blatant disregard of employees from speculation into factual evidence which has not only left scars on the City but has drastically affected the morale of the workers. Traditionally, government workers have dealt with low pay, with an understanding that the benefits and pension plan are favorable. However, we are now expected to accept both low pay and a bad pension.

During discussion on 3/18/16, I hoped that the employees hired prior to 2010 would be given a onetime choice of an option to either continue in their agreed 20 year & collect contract, or perhaps a 5-5-5 pension, a yearly vesting to collect at 62 or another option.  I myself would choose what I was promised, but others might choose a different option depending on their overall goals and status in life. My fellow employees are all genuine, good hearted people and deserve a positive work environment backed by job security and faith in their employer to do the right thing. Sadly, as every year passes I am increasingly more worried about my future as the City appears to display bad faith and a growing disregard for its employees.

In conclusion: I’m pleading with the City.  Please stop holding up the only raise/cost of living increase we have seen in almost a decade so that our pensions can be stripped from us. Please stop keeping us in the dark. The Union wants to negotiate. They want a fair resolution for both sides. We hope you would want the same. But, forcing people out of their contracts is wrong. It’s just fundamentally wrong. We are not just another position to be filled. We are people who have individual lives and we should be valued, not thrown aside. Let us keep our contracts and finish our terms of employment in peace. Bring morale back to this city. You have a unique opportunity to do the right thing, both privately and publicly. There comes a time where you as must ask yourself, as I did. Would you allow your future to be negotiated away?

Nicholas Petrino
City of Lake Worth


Anonymous said...

Lynn, you put up a poll on your blog last year. We had to guess when this would be resolved. Do you have the results of that?

Lynn Anderson said...

This poll was in September 2015. Here ya go--

By January or before 3 (27%)

By April 4 (36%)

By July 1 (9%)

No telling 3 (27%)

Anonymous said...

Nice letter, Nick.

Anonymous said...

Nicolas, Excellent letter. Sadly the upper echelon of this city, Pam, Scott, Andy, Borenstein, HR Director etc. do not feel your pain nor do they care. They only have their own personal interests at heart. By giving the Upper echelon raises they can guarantee their support in what ever pet project they want to do next. The opponents in the last election tried to warn everyone about the lies that were being told by the incumbents but obviously the incumbents were better story tellers.

Anonymous said...

it is about time someone tells it how it is. good on him.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the Employees. such conditions are not fair , shame on LW and the commission for treating the Employees this way. Good Job Nicholas / its nice to see people standing up for themselves and their livelyhood

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Powerful writing. If you read this I remember you as a lifeguard you were always very nice to my family when we came up to the bch, we were the boogie boarding family, haha. I wish the best for you and hope that the city recognizes that you are a very kind person. im sry to hear what you are going through :(

Blogger said...

Nicolas, you cry the sentiment of Lake Worth employees those that are afraid to stand up and not be Bullie. We are united on our pension and that is why we had a no vote.
We are aware of the game they are playing using the 4% pay increase as a treat to change a promise that was made again it shameful but we did not expect any better from this group. UNITED WE WILL STAND.

Anonymous said...

Soo I have 2 bets * One that nickolas will be forced out on some sorta technicality. second Triolo and Maxwell must be freaking out that this letter made it to all of us. no more secrets to hide huh? even if he is fired at least he can hold his head up high knowing he isn't working amongst sheep anymore

Anonymous said...

What a great letter to bad it will fall on deaf ears. One annon said all the leaders and sub leaders got what they wanted in raises at the expense of us all. Wait until next year and you will hear us IBEW folks yell and scream for $0 raises and alot of us will leave here. We thought by agreeing we helped the other unions, we were wrong. Hold to your values folks don't crumble to the CM or HR Director.

Anonymous said...

Code Officer Petrino is a great guy and a even better Code Officer. Every time I have called him on a problem he comes right away and magically takes care of it. If they try to kick him out for standing up for what he believe is right it is as wrong as what he is writing about. You shouldn't be scared to speak your mind. Thank you for everything you have done.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for always posting interesting topics. I enjoy reading your blog and commenting when I see fit. It is pleasant to see how to stand your ground on exposing issues with our town as well positive news. Your sunset photos are beautiful. Are you friends with Nicholas to have received this letter?

Anonymous said...

I wanna c how they city responds to this letter!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's to another Black Eye for the Lake Worth City. Raise You're Glasses Up High And Toast * Cheers

Anonymous said...

when will they learnthat there shenanigans can never be kept secret for long??????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

good for you nick.

Anonymous said...

All this publicity lately about the employees is crazy! Why doesn't the city at least make an attempt to treat the employees fairly? Even if its just to save some face with the public....geez

Blogger said...

We would expect the CM to release his Hr Director and we will be waiting for that. EMPLOYEES UNITE.

Anonymous said...

Being a employee myself i cannot risk the management coming after me for speaking my mind. i support Nicholas completely and the union. He better be ready because the city is going to come after him with all they have to try in run him out of here for standing up for all of us. Someone please share this letter on Facebook's Lake Worth Voice & Local to gain support. Thank you for standing up for the ones that cant put their name out, we do value what you have done.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Nick and so well said, and thanks to Lynn for printing. For sure this would otherwise go straight to the "circular file" (flushed).
Very sadly the reason he and all employees are left hanging is obvious if you look at the finances. Bumbling Bowtie Boy gets a 5 year contract and a big raise: because he is part of the grand get rich scheme of profit by public office. 3 finance directors fired in succession. Now we have a duly unqualified one easily manipulated. The biggest contributing campaign donors determine policy: screw the taxpayers, screw the employees, screw everyone who is not the most expensive non published financier of the Development Dynasty, aka Pam, Scott, and Andy. Quite simply you, and all of us, are being screwed so they can profit enough in the short term to retire rich in short order.
You, and we, deserve so much better. It's called crony corruption and pay-to-play. It used to be prosecuted before the new IG came in whose first priority was to be buddy buddy with city managers like Bornstein who favor government in the dark. It makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Hes always on my ass about my properties but I see everyone improving theres so I guess hes not just on my ass. Ive seen a huge improvement in my neck of the woods so good on him. The better I see the neighborhood get the more my property is worth and better tenants start calling. Keep up the good work just dont break my balls so much about the grass.

Anonymous said...

The city only wants mostly part time employees now, we looked at all those jobs you listed on here, 29 hours so they do not have to pay any benefits, that stinks. Yet they pay all these others way too much, making over $100k, that is way too much for those people and not enough for just regular maintenance jobs. The city has gone to hell! No wonder no one will want to work for them, why? No benefits whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Ive known nick for years. He is a good friend of mine and just wants his pension that hes worked towards. His fiance' and two beautiful little girls are lucky to have stand up man like him. We need more people that are willing put there name out there and fight for what they believe in. I know if I ever needed help he'd be there for me. D.M.

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later the city will hit a wall and the employees will strike. Doesnt Cm know that ALL the employees completely hate him and the whole regime? Maybe the public will wake up when the trash pickups stops, houses gets worse, no lifeguards to watch over them and there's no one to turn on the lights. Maybe then the community might get involved.

Anonymous said...

keep your head up Nicholas you have the community support. don't let them run all over you with scare tactics. you did the right thing

Anonymous said...

Why is it they continue to mistreat the employees. It sounds like this is a revolving complaint to where as the city just doesn't give a rats bum about the employees. Oh yes they love giving speeches and the Bornstein especially enjoys writing about how much he values the employees on the website. How about you stop writing about it and SHOW IT! Actions speak louder than your fake words!

Blogger said...

We are optimistic that it will not get ugly, IBEW also has skin in this pension because what happen to us will affect them.
They understand the reason why unions were brought into LW due to management unfair treatment and broken promises. We cannot allow this to continue and I hope every contractual employee will stand up.

That day when the City proclaim Pirate day you see it as a joke now I do not see any laughter,Do you know what Pirate do screw everyone to enrich themselves.

Beware: the CM will unleash is HR director aka PIT BULL and she will be bringing HELL to those employees that stand up for their right. STAND UNITED DO NOT SELLOUT WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER Nicholas Petrino IS NOT ALONE, DO NOT FORGET THE SEASON WE VOTED NO YOU SHOULD NOT FORGET THAT.

Anonymous said...

The upper management of this town is garbage! Lets have the waste disposal personnel drive by their house and throw them in the back of the dump truck. Time to clean up this town

Blogger said...

Yes it will hit a wall only if the city refuses a reason salution that we offer them. This is not a one way street and we are trying our best

Anonymous said...

this might be big! Its not often a employee actually puts their name on something like this. GO NICK!

Anonymous said...

You have to do what you feel is right in life. That is what separates the leaders from the followers. Thanks for being a bullet for the employees Nick. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand what is the big hub bub over this issue. The city has spent millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on this town. What is so hard about helping the people that do the actual heavy lifting? I have friends that work for the city and they all say the same thing... everyone despises Mr. Bornstein and so forth. Its like a car; the employees are the engine and the managers are the drivers. The driver is useless without an engine so you would like it would be wise to change that oil once and awhile! It is sad to read how horrible they treat the people that take care of my neighborhood. Stop focusing on a stupid stadium and invest in your employees! Sorry Fellas! In thee end they will get theirs'. Karma's a Bitch!

Anonymous said...

this will surely make a few waves...

Anonymous said...

Thank god I retired from Lake Worth with my pension intact. I don't understand how they can just change someone's contract whom already has contributed money into it?

Anonymous said...

ANON @ 4:28, In a corrupt system ruled by scum they can do what ever they want.

Anonymous said...

So many cities have already done away with the pension that Nicholas is referring to but they've at least allowed the people operating within it to keep their benefits. Just saying

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe in the Defined Contribution Plan but I also feel for those who were hired under the Defined Benefit Plan. Hopefully this will all be worked out.

Anonymous said...

How can the city possibly rebuttal the letter????! He didn't leave any alleys open for discussion, its pretty cut and dry to stop screwing the employees over, Good job buddy!

Anonymous said...

Annon 11:23 you are right on, Management that supported and believed in the laborer of LW especially in the Electric Utility were forced out as they did not stand for this and if I am not mistaken they were immediately taken in from other more successful utilities so we lost there too because of our leadership. We have lost so many employees who just cannot stand the way they are treated and abused by the HR Director. People you all need to wake up and stand up to this city management as it reflects on you as much as it does us employees.

Anonymous said...

ANON @ 7:00pm, Everyone has suffered to the point they've either been forced out or their benefits have been severely slashed to make life more comfortable for those fat cats sitting pretty up in city hall.

Anonymous said...

@ 4-1 / 6:44pm They cant! what could they possibly say? Nicholas just nailed those bastards to the wall, LMAO!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Take notice Cm people are over you shoveling sh&+ at us calling it cake! Nick took a stand, he aint scared of you & more will follow!

Anonymous said...

First Ed Hutcheson now Nicholas Petrino. Whose next to grow some balls and step up to the plate?

Anonymous said...

We need more people like Nick in this world. No need to worry, if they do try to find some dirt to fire him, hes protected by the whistleblower amendment. They mess with him that opens the door up for a huge lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Easy......... Never.

Anonymous said...

The public could careless about the employees. Just look they voted all the same pos incumbents back in. Sad but true.

Lynn Anderson said...

Due to hostility through comments that occurred early this morning, I will not be accepting any more comments on this subject. Sorry guys, I know you're angry but when you start taking your anger out on the wrong people, it has gone too far. Let your union Rep Sam handle it and good luck.

Lynn Anderson said...

One more thing--
To the person who came on here at 1:43 am, you asked why Stanton did not give raises in 2010--former Susan Stanton did not give raises back during her 32 months of employ because the city was nearly bankrupt. She did everything within her power to stay afloat and did a damn good job.

One of the biggest costs to our city are pension benefits right along with the PBSO.

Union benefits are killing municipalities across the country. Stanton introduced the Defined Contribution Plan and wanted to suspend the the General Employee Defined Benefit Pension Plan going forward. Even the finance Advisory board agreed with her. You guys had a fit and demonstrated against her appearing in front of city hall calling for her head. She also said, "The current compensation levels as defined in the three collective bargaining agreements need to be evaluated and realigned with the community's general ability to pay for those benefits."

Sorry, no more comments will be accepted on this subject.

Lynn Anderson said...

To 8:15 this morning. It has nothing to do with what I don't agree with. It has to do with false information you are trying to spread. Please read the policy which is very extensive.

It is too bad that there is always someone using personal attacks to get me in line. It doesn't work. Never has. Never will. And it's also too bad that when you are given a forum, that you have to spoil it for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

I see your not accepting comments anymore but either way I really wanted to say that the city and the union should forgo all their past transgressions to sit down with level heads together to work in the present and make positive choices for the future so then everyone in my community, employee and citizen alike can feel a sense of worth. It seems the issue of employee mistreatment is all I hear about these days. Maybe Mr. Petrino's heartfelt letter will be that spark that ignites a change. I myself am proud to be Lakeworthian born and raised. Thank you for taking your time to read this Lynn even if no one else gets the opportunity to.

Lynn Anderson said...

thank you 1:58--intelligently and rationally stated.

lovefuninthesun9 said...

why don't u open comments up just say be respectful? don't let one moron spoil the pot. the employee topics u post always seem to get heated, its popular subject I guess

Lynn Anderson said...

comments are opened but it does get nutty sometimes. :)

lovefuninthesun9 said...

thanks lynn. smart people know how to get their point across with out offensive rhetoric. just like 1:58 said lets come together and make lake worth great and for that the teams need to come together. the past can be ugly but the future is still to be written so lets write a good one. I like how nick was kind in his words, he seems like a nice person.

Anonymous said...

Monday is right around the corner I bet the city top hats will be calling Nicholas in for a private stern "talking" too. He better have his union rep with him!

Anonymous said...

Nicholas I must say you definitely got your point across and maintained your verbiage in a respectful manner. No matter what happens win or lose may your fellow employees respect you for standing up for what you believe in.

“If we don't fight for what we 'stand for' with our passionate words and honest actions, do we really 'stand' for anything?” - Tiffany Madison

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 4:04pm most likely they wont even mess him directly instead just start finding tiny things to write him up for until he's eventually fired. Oh he clocked in a minute late write him up, oh he sneezed to loud write him up, oh he misspelled a word on a code case...FIRED! That's why all the other employees cower down, fear of retribution.

Anonymous said...

If we had more Union reps like Nick we wouldnt be in this predicament! Thanks for fighting for us!

Blogger said...

First I would thank Lynn Anderson for the platform she given us and for those that do not understand what this is all about, this is not a blame game or in anyway trying to be unreasonable. We ask the City for us to work together so we my forge a agreement about the pension that both side are satisfy with and is sustainable. We also offer to the City to negotiate pension separately because this was not going to be a one way deal. Our offer was turn down by the City and we took the City offer to our members for a up or down vote and that why we are back at the table so we can work together and get it right.

Nicholas Petrino said...

I appreciate all the support for the employees from the commenters and Lynn for sharing my letter. Circumstances do not change by those who choose to sit on the sidelines, but the bold who stand up to fight for their beliefs. I do have loved ones to provide for and yes I am concerned, as many employees would be, of “persecution” from upper management for expressing my views. At the end of the day I held true to my beliefs, to stand while others kneel. We as employees only want what was promised, nothing more and nothing less. It is unjust to force a lesser contract onto those who built their lives on more than just a promise, a ratified contract of the time. A contract to which we have contributed to since.

The only Official who has responded to my letter as of today is Commissioner McVoy. In his response, he expressed his concerns and hopes for this City. His integrity and honest devotion to not only the Citizens of Lake Worth but to the Employees is admirable. I truly hope the City of Lake Worth and my Union can create a binding contract equally fair to all parties. There is so many genuine hard working people here, treat them right and watch the “change” go from just a word used by politicians into a reality. Respectively.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just Wow! If they fire you Nicholas they will have hell to pay with the community!

Lynn Anderson said...

No way is that ever going to happen @7:34.

Anonymous said...

If they try anything it proves how corrupt they all are!

Anonymous said...

Well put Nicholas!

Anonymous said...

Talk about powerful writing! Great Work!

Anonymous said...

It definitely wouldnt be smart on the city to start picking at him for stupid stuff! He comes off as a loyal employee who cares about the people he works with. Dedicated workers should be valued plain an simple.

Blogger said...

I would not put it pass our Hr director/ Lawyer to try something but such a move would be unwise, she already have cause a division within the City and created a distrust between management and enployees.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:49' Nick is not a union rep, as a matter of fact, he opted out of the Union after the first round of negotiations. You need to sign back up Nick. Especially now that you have so eloquently made yourself a target. Just sayin

Anonymous said...

@ 6:44am ive been here goin on four years, i opted out as well all they do is lose why pay to lose? Maybe a solid win will inspire more ppl to join. We haven't had someone speak up like nick in awhile. Thanks fella

Anonymous said...

Go get em' Nick!

Anonymous said...

It made it to the Palm Beach Post!

Anonymous said...

Nick you should also post you letter on Blackman's blog and get his followers involved as he has his fav 3 followers there. Lynn reaches alot of people but it would be good to get as many citizens behind us as possible. Thank you Lynn for your stand.

Lynn Anderson said...

haha, that's a good one. Anyone who reads the bully blog, reads mine. Same local audience.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Wes B would even care or he would have by now. Plus why would he? Hes pro developers, HH, the trio...etc pretty everything lynn is against. He wouldnt risk losing face with his buddies just for a employee

Anonymous said...

Dayum everyone is sharing this on facebook. Its BLOWING UP!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You never know lynn. Have u seen how many jobs are posted in city hall? Everyone's jumping ship!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the Union has his back. It is not often someone actually puts their name on it!

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Nick today. He is very happy for all the support for us and said even if they retaliate and come for his job he wouldnt change a thing because if his daughters were ever treated like we are, he hopes they would stand up too for the people that cant. He also said none of the officals he sent the letter to has even piped up a rebuttal. As for the 6:44 person, Nick is a dues paying member of the union.

LWlocals said...

If the Union loses the contracts for all those personnel prior to '10 than they failed their employees and he really did stand alone from his peers. With all the news about this it seems like it could be a huge win for employee rights or a devastating lose for the spirits of the employees. Sounds like a lot is riding on this negotiation. Hopefully they sort this out fairly. Beautifully worded letter.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else see Nicks comment on Tammy Pansa's post on Lake Worth Local Facebook? He nailed her right to the wall!!!No way she would be able to write back logically!

Anonymous said...

i don't feel like he was trying to attack her. more a less convey a honest point of view.