Tuesday, July 14, 2015

League of Cities Conference

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The Lake Worth Commission will vote tonight on who will represent their voting interests at the 89th Annual Conference of the League of Cities being held in Orlando on August 13-15. Vice Mayor Maxwell and commissioners McVoy and Amoroso will be attending this conference. The "visionaries,"( Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso) are usually the ones who love to travel to all points north and have no problem spending taxpayer money.

It used to be that each commissioner had a $3,000 ($15,000 total for the year) budget for travel and entertainment.  That was raised to $25,000 or $5,000 for each commissioner because they were just attending so many seminars and conferences to places like Washington, D.C.

I believe that we have already gone over budget..

Workshop Topics
They are planning a variety of informative workshops to provide  the tools to help cities navigate the current economic, technological and political landscape. The specific workshop schedule will be posted on the League of Cities website as soon as it is available. Topics being considered include:

• Avoiding Public Records Lawsuits (we have so many lawsuits that the city attorney can't/won't even get the list to me. Frankly, I don't believe they want the residents to know about them.)
• Best Practices for Economic Development (that one would turn them on)
• Civic Engagement (they need a lot of help on that one as they don't even honor the vote and engage in secret meetings)
• Council-Manager Relations (that's one they can skip..they need no help here--they are all in love with each other and won't take advice from some course instructor)
• Local Police/Firefighter Pension Changes (ooh, unsustainable retirement benefits have us in big do do)
• Social Media and Public Records (good one considering they now have a Twitter account and Facebook will be up soon.
• Tech Startups Showcase: Revolutionizing the Business of Government (good one as we can't even fix a pothole)
• Update on Takings and Property Rights Laws (ya gotta love this one as they are going to use eminent domain at the Park of Commerce...you don't own it, just take it)


Anonymous said...

They're just a going to Orlando for crying out loud, how much does that cost?

And how much $ and grants have their efforts brought to the city in the last 2-3 years?

McVoy, Maxwell or Amoroso? ALL are a good choice for our voting interest. Why isn't Maier going? I though he was involved in that? He could learn stuff from League of Cities.

Lynn Anderson said...

Maier has a business he owns that he actually goes to every day.

As far as how much they have brought back in grants...why don't you tell me?

Orlando is just one trip out of many...many add up.

Anonymous said...

The city has actually not received one grant or state or federal dollars for all of their travel and spending. The CDBG monies are awarded yearly and we've been getting CDBG funds for a long time. So the travel and groveling has been a waste of time and money. When a bunch of tea party republicans can't get money to create jobs from a total biz whore like our esteemed governor, it's time for a change of scenery on the commission.