Monday, July 13, 2015

Lake Worth Volunteer Board Appointments

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The following reappointments are requested to be ratified at Tuesday's City Commission Meeting:

Historic Resources Preservation Board:
Mayor’s reappointment of Herman Robinson for a term ending on July 31, 2018
Remodeling contractor

Finance Advisory Board:
Vice Mayor’s reappointment of Robert Lepa for a term ending on July 31, 2018
Financial Adviser for Wells Fargo

Electric Utility Advisory Board:
Commissioner Andy Amoroso’s reappointment of Lisa Maxwell for a term ending on July 31, 2018
Director of Development, WPB Housing Authority

Planning and Zoning Board:
Commissioner Andy Amoroso’s reappointment of Cynthia Brown for a term ending on July 31, 2018
She is a real estate agent in Florida since April 26, 2012.


Anonymous said...

Andy appointed a downtown business woman? Well, why wouldn't he?

Lynn Anderson said...

I can think of at least two reasons.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see more variety and diversity of appointments. It seems like the same folks are appointed over and over again.

Lynn Anderson said...

It's difficult to get volunteers for anything. Under this new system of appointing board members, we have NO idea who or how many applied. It is still, for the most part, political. I have seen highly qualified people get culled for no reason.

Anonymous said...

I am a highly qualified resident and have been both "culled" and appointed at different times and by different ways they appoint. Reasons that I was culled seemed at the time to be political and when finally appointed, seemed the logical thing to do since I was the best qualified.

I do NOT believe someone should be appointed simply because we need more diversification. We could end up with another Susan Stanton.

Lynn Anderson said...

We could end up with another Susan Stanton? LOL. We should be so lucky.

Stanton had nothing whatsoever to do with your board appointments or lack thereof. How do you get so qualified over anyone else? You read more books? Have your library card? What? The best planner?

Other than your last sentence which was uncalled for, I agree with the rest.

Anonymous said...

While my last statement was specifically meant to push your button, it is not entirely untrue. I remember, emphatically, when hearing of the three finalists for the position of City Manager and she was THE transgendered one, it would be a done deal. With Golden, Mulvehill and Jennings, who else would they, could they, have possibly picked?

We needed to show just how accepting and diverse a community we were.

She did turn out to be a nut job with hormonal swings that were very harmful to our staff. A screamer of historic and hysteric proportions. The stories are eyebrow lifting.

Not that she was without ANY redeeming qualities, we are much better off without her. I'm happy for Greenfield.

And yes, it was my library card that lifted me way above the other qualified candidates for the position of volunteer.

Lynn Anderson said...

I knew your Stanton statement was to "push my button." However, I sat through all of the interviews and without a doubt, she was the most qualified. Ask Rene Varela who was sitting in the back row with me who was not yet our mayor at the time. She was hired for her skills, not because she was transgendered. We overcame that sort of prejudice and I was really proud of our city.

She came into an impossible situation. Millions were missing and we were spending millions more than we were bringing in with revenues. Employees were appearing on the job any time they chose to show up. There was utter chaos. She demanded that they do the job for which they were hired...not too much to ask.

Then we had the regular crazy citizens who charged into her office unannounced and threatened her. She installed a security lock to her offices and then Scott Maxwell even made her take down the lock. It was pretty horrible.

Glad you have your library card and P.S. Greenfield is happy to have her.

tb said...

SOS!!! These people never go away