Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our Felled Pine Tree - The Aftermath -- What a Mess!

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Condo boards are really a force to behold...so many incompetents on them. Our grass, once green, will never recover. It will have to be leveled and replaced in many areas. Cutting down this tree probably cost $4,500...I'm not in the loop so that's an educated guess.  I can't imagine all the additional costs.

I once had a lot of pride in our building and especially our lawn...it always, for the most part, looked pristine perfect the entire 13 years that I was on the Board working with people who cared. Now we will have to replace grass, possibly an irrigation system because of the trucks weighing a ton or more that rode over the underground pipes, sprinklers that are missing or broken and certainly decorative stones will have to be re-set by the roadway. Some condo boards just don't have any problem with spending your money. It still reminds me of some city commissions.

Just remember, it was Kelley Tree Service that did this and they have one hot secretary ready to dial PBSO. Also, if you live in a condo, make sure that the tree cutter man has the permit.  This guy cut down a tree without producing one and it was never posted on or near the building, a requirement of our city code, the law. Kelley should have known this as I don't expect our new condo president is in the know. Also, if you ever move into a condo building, remember it will be as good as its management.


Anonymous said...

Gads, your lawn looks like it has been through the mill with no water for a year.

Anonymous said...

It is apparent that this condo president of yours is only interested in herself.

Lynn Anderson said...

Out of paranoia based on imaginative fear, the president of this condo found a way for the association to be responsible for thousands of dollars to have this tree removed for what it could do but probably never would do, fall on her condo units. This is like having a breast removed because you might get cancer or having a tooth pulled because you might crack it in the future. She has lived here for 13 years, now became president and now having the power in her control, cut this beautiful pine down to the ground. She was manipulated by the building next door whose president wanted it down for the very same unfounded reason. Hope she lives a happy life and no cocoanut falls on her head. :)

Anonymous said...

People really get away with the worse things. Can't believe this tree was cut down. Just plain awful. What is the address? Will sic the environmentalists on her. Do you want to post her phone number?

SHAME ON YOU Board President said...

I think that I shall never see
a poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day
and lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
a nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
but only God can make a tree

Joyce Kilmer. 1886–1918

Anonymous said...

Australian Pines are not simply non-native, they are invasive causing problems for native plants and trees and actually don't provide habitat for native species. Australian Pines do have very shallow roots system and are more likely to topple over than native trees. The FWC has a very aggressive program to remove Australian Pines so there is less scrutiny for taking them down then for other mature trees. I don't think the rules were bent here, but rather because it was an invasive tree that is supposed to be removed its much easier to get a permit to take it down.

Australian Pines are extremely dangerous for nesting sea turtles (of course not an issue for this tree).

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, actually you are wrong that they do not provide habitat. If you want to believe the hype that you read about this beautiful tree, so be it. This tree was across the road, far from a turtle, certainly very far from an alligator. The rules were definitely "BENT" here for a condo commando board. There is nothing in the rules that says an invasive must be removed. There are many Australian Pines out here and no one has been bent out of shape as this condo president and the one next door about its removal. No voice of the owners was considered.