Sunday, August 18, 2024

Walz criticism grows

Local Bar Owner Shares Shocking Truth About Walz

Former Minnesota bar owner Lisa Zarza recently blasted Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz for his handling of COVID-19 policies as governor of the state. Zarza opened up about the devastating impact Walz’s policies had on her business, which ultimately led her to file for bankruptcy.

In an interview with Fox News’ Todd Piro, Zarza criticized Walz for allowing large stores like Target and Walmart to remain open ahead of Black Friday while forcing small businesses to shut down. She claimed that Walz prioritized these larger businesses over small businesses like hers.

“He was looking out for the big people. He wasn’t looking out for the small businesses of Minnesota,” Zarza stated. “He talks about being so small-minded for small business – that’s not who this man is.”

Zarza went on to reveal that her food and liquor licenses were revoked for defying Walz’s orders to shut down. She also shared that she was fined a staggering $300,000. When asked about her reaction to Harris choosing Walz as her running mate, Zarza broke down in tears.

Read more of the story...


Anonymous said...

Walz seems like a real phoney, the two slaves deserve each other, they will destroy this country if they get in, but only it would happen if they cheat, Dems cannot win anymore without cheating.

Anonymous said...

Walz may be the stupidest looking person I've ever seen running for Office. I would be really embarrassed if he were my Governor.