Monday, August 19, 2024

Afghanistan - What the Biden/Harris administration did

US Equipment Paraded At Bagram Air Base

Poof, billions of dollars went up in smoke

So, picture this: it's been three years since the chaotic American withdrawal from Afghanistan, a moment that marked the end of a 20-year conflict.

But on the third anniversary of that withdrawal, the Taliban decided to put on quite a show. They paraded through Bagram Airfield, a former U.S. military base, flaunting American weapons and vehicles left behind in the rush to exit the country.

Now, Bagram wasn’t just any airfield. It was once the epicenter of the U.S. mission to oust the Taliban and track down the al-Qaeda militants responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The irony here is pretty thick, right? What used to be the heart of the American war effort is now a stage for the Taliban’s victory parade.

List of equipment we left in Afghanistan:

- 12,000 humvees
- 42,000 trucks
- 1,000 armored vehicles
- 78 planes/helicopters
- 350,000 rifles
- 16,000 night vision goggles
- 160,000 radios
- much more
Not to mention the strategic Bagram Air base worth a small fortune.


After Biden/Harris decided to leave Afghanistan, Americans and allied forces now watch what they fought so hard to build over 20 years burn down from afar and knowing that the Afghan men and women they fought with, risk losing everything."

The enemy Taliban took control of Afghanistan three years ago. They have transitioned from insurgency to authority, imposed their interpretation of Islamic law and sought to reinforce their claim to legitimacy.

The United States remains the largest donor, sending more than $3 billion in assistance to Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the evil and excuses from them, what record can mala run on when she has created such a messed up country.