Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hunter keeps suing

Hunter Biden SUES Trump Admin Over ‘Laptop From Hell’


What a 🤡

You know, the laptop that Democrats swore was Russian disinformation.

Hunter Biden sued former Trump aide, Garrett Ziegler, over alleged illegal access and dissemination of personal emails, photos, videos, and recordings. His plan:  You indict me, I sue you.

The lawsuit seeks both a jury trial for damages and an injunction to prevent further tampering by Ziegler.

Accusation: Ziegler violated state computer fraud laws by tampering with data from Biden’s laptop, which was previously left at a Delaware repair shop. It became public after Hunter failed to pick it up after notifications.

Shapley, FBI informant, says the FBI knew about the alleged crimes and authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop back in 2019 — long before the 2020 presidential election. Federal officials are accused of committing a massive cover-up scandal to help the corrupt Biden family. 51 intel officers signed a letter that falsely claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” So much corruption in Biden's America.

Read about it...

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