Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Al Sharpton, one angry Racist

One of the Top Racists around...

Crooked Al Sharpton Claims ‘Lack of Gun Legislation’ is ‘Arming Bigots’

Progressives are once again using black Americans as political pawns to further an agenda that will only cause more harm to the black community.

Rev. Al Sharpton recently chimed in on the Biden administration’s new Office of Gun Violence Prevention during an interview in which he claimed that a lack of gun control legislation is “arming bigots.” His comments come weeks after the racially-motivated shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, which took the lives of three black citizens.

He lauded Kamala Harris, who will be in charge of the new Gun Violence Dept., ostensibly to curb gun violence. Of curse, she hasn't accomplished one thing as Vice President so why would this be any different unless she wants to confiscate all guns and defy the 2nd Amendment.

Read about it...

Reemember when The Rev. Al Sharpton's half-brother was cleared of a capital murder charge after a grand jury refused to indict him over a 2018 fatal shooting that police said was committed by a man he was driving.

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