Monday, September 25, 2023

Stop the Invasion

El Paso, Texas at Breaking Point as Migrants Flood Border, Mayor Says

The dramatic increase in illegal migrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico has pushed the city of El Paso, Texas, to “a breaking point,” with more than 2,000 people per day seeking asylum, exceeding shelter capacity and straining resources, its mayor said on Saturday.

“The city of El Paso only has so many resources and we have come to … a breaking point right now,” Mayor Oscar Leeser said at a news conference.

The arrival of largely Venezuelan asylum seekers is part of a larger swell of immigrants who traveled dangerous routes on buses and cargo trains to Mexican border towns near San Diego, California, and the Texas cities of El Paso and Eagle Pass.

Congress has unwittingly outsourced a broken immigration system to organized crime, resulting in a boom industry for smugglers who are increasingly more involved in the lucrative movement of migrants headed for the U.S."

The illegal immigrants coming into our country is an INVASION and against our Constitution. Opening the southern border to anyone and everyone and letting illegal immigrants INVADE our country is TREASON, Article IV Section 4, and if they give amnesty to them that is proof they did it also to build their voting base which is TREASON. And to many others to list.

WHY are they in our government if they do not take care of America and it’s people first?? They hate America. They need to be charged for their crimes and arrested. It doesn’t take a vote to do that so why have they NOT been arrested yet? WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT NOW!!!

Read about the crime...

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