Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Democrat Party Hates America

Mark Levin just gave media elites five words to chew on that have all hell breaking loose

Democrats are moving to the fringes of the Left at a rapid pace.

Longtime conservative pundits have noticed the shift in the party.

And Mark Levin just gave media elites five words to chew on that have all hell breaking loose.

Conservative commentator Mark Levin did not pull any punches with his latest book, “The Democratic Party Hates America.”

Despite the provocative title, Levin laid out his argument with facts.

Read what Levin has to say I just got his book which is number 1 on Times Best Sellers and trying to find time to read it.


Lynn Anderson said...

When the Democrat party stops stealing elections, you won't have protests at our Capitol.
Anonymous, do you really believe that I would post your liberal crap?
The only person killed that day was a former Marine, Ashli Babbit. She was murdered.
The Capitol police opened the gates and allowed protesters in. Nancy Pelosi turned down the offer of 20,000 National Guard troops and so did the Washington Capitol Police. They did not do their job to ensure safety AND Trump told the crowd to march peacefully. A few rousers caused mayhem as well as SOME FBI in the crowd that day.
Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund revealed his opinion that “everything appeared to be a cover-up” in relation to the events of January 6th.

Anonymous said...

Wear your hat, MAGA.

Fly your flag, MAGA.

Not just here. Not with just your MAGA pals.


Let Americans know who you are.

You and your stupid, delusional conspiracy theories are a threat to Americans. We want to know who you are. We need to know.

No, you won't post my comment. Because under your big, bully talk, you're the biggest coward around. But you read them and that's good enough for me, MAGA.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:30...ANONYMOUS calling me a "coward?" That just shows how damn dumb you are. But all Democrats are and it's really scary as you Hate America and gtruly re the enemy.