Saturday, September 30, 2023

Our "Leader" in Chief has AI

Baffled Biden Drifts into La-La-Land During Press Conference

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden held a meeting with the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology in San Francisco.

He delivered brief comments before his handlers quickly ushered reporters away as Biden seemed to leave reality and stare blankly into the abyss.

“AI has the potential to transform research,” Biden said. “America leads the way toward responsible AI innovation.” What the hell does he even know about AI?

Then he appears to forget the word “Covid” and eventually referred to the pandemic as a “health crisis.” Below is the video of his memory lapse. []

Video on X

After his short speech, Biden announced that cancer won’t be cured if Republicans can’t come to an agreement on the stopgap funding bill. He loves attacking MAGA.

Biden falling asleep on X

This was the middle of the afternoon. Why do Democrats continue to ignore Joe Biden's clear struggles?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if this guy has alzheimer its not his fault its the people in charge of him to blame for his actions.if you know anything about this infliction you would know,i dont like him either but im not going to make fun of him.pray it doesnt happen to you think the dems are playing chess here by keeping him in front of people so at the last minute they can say no to him and put someone else in.if he was my dad id try to get him out