Monday, September 18, 2023

Ted Cruz Wins Huge Court Decision – This Ruling Puts the Texas Senator in the Clear for Good

Ted Cruz Wins Huge Court Decision

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is one lawyer by trade that leftists might want to leave alone when it comes to challenges in court. Cruz knows the law well and is readily prepared to defend himself and his political career against attacks against his conservative opinions.

Cruz is a veteran politician, proven attorney, and an outspoken critic of liberal ideals. He is also an author who challenges any ideas he feels go against the Constitution and traditional American values. Promotions for his recent book landed him on the opposite side of leftist activists who accused him of breaking campaign ethics laws.

What the left-wing activists didn’t expect was a decision from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that shut down their claims with a unanimous decision. Cruz could have been on the hook for serious penalties until the truth was revealed.

The book did sell, so what happened to money earned from book sales? The answer was simple and straightforward for the FEC. Cruz provided an affidavit showing that he directed his publisher to donate the book’s royalties to charity and that his family did not benefit financially from the book.

Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Democrats are always crying foul when they are the culprits