Friday, September 22, 2023

Mayorkas names Russian Hoaxers to Intelligence "Experts" Panel

Biden Appoints Cronies To National Security Spots

Joe Biden has a way of rewarding those who will brazenly lie for him. Yesterday NCP noted that Biden is doling out taxpayer funding to journalists who will do his bidding to bully conservatives online.

He also recently appointed Democratic hatchet men who lied about the “Russian Hoax” and perpetrated a lie to protect his 2020 campaign from being tarnished by the discovery of his son’s shady business deals to a DHS task force on counter-terrorism.

The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejando Mayorkas said Tuesday that he had named Russia collusion hoaxers and Hunter Biden laptop deniers John Brennan and James Clapper to an intelligence “experts” panel.

Brennan, a former CIA director, and Clapper, a former Director of National Intelligence, were key players in spreading the “Russia collusion” hoax to discredit the 2016 election, with Clapper telling CNN that it was possible there was evidence linking Russia to Trump, then admitting under oath that he knew of no evidence.

Read about the corruption

Lying to the American public and abusing their power does not matter to this president. The only thing that does is the deceitful letter about Hunter to help Biden reach the finish line. To the victors go the spoils, no matter how rotten.

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