Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Failures of Joe Biden

DHS Report Highlights Biden’s Massive Failures

In the recently released 2024 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Threat Assessment, a grim picture is painted of the failures of Joe Biden and his administration.

This comprehensive report focuses on the threats to public safety, border and immigration, critical infrastructure, and economic security. From foreign and domestic terrorists to drug cartels and nation-state actors, the sources of these threats are varied and formidable.

According to the assessment, groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are actively seeking to rebuild overseas and maintain worldwide networks of supporters. The report warns that these groups could potentially target the United States. Furthermore, Iran is identified as the primary sponsor of terrorism, with ongoing efforts to advance plots against individuals within the country.

The report highlights the consequences of Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

Joe is a complete failure

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