Wednesday, September 27, 2023

America is subsidizing more than a war in Corrupt Ukraine

Report Discovers US Taxpayers Are Paying For More Than Just The War In Ukraine

According to a report by CBS News, it has been revealed that American taxpayers are unknowingly subsidizing small businesses in Ukraine, including a designer knitwear company, while struggling with inflation and financial difficulties at home.

The U.S. has already pumped nearly $25 billion of non-military aid into Ukraine’s economy since the start of the Ukraine War in 2022, on top of at least $43 billion in military aid. This is quite alarming, especially considering the current economic state of many Americans. And now Biden wants to give them $24 billion more.

The reality is that American taxpayers are paying for Ukraine’s seeds, fertilizers, and first responders’ salaries while the Ukrainian government continues to rank as the second most corrupt country in Europe.

According to CBS News, there are currently four criminal cases being investigated involving non-military aid, and a shocking 170 Ukrainian government officials have been charged with corruption just this year. This raises concerns about the diversion of aid, despite reassurances from Ukrainian politicians.

The Ukrainian government continues to rank as the second most corrupt country in Europe.

Many of our businesses have gone under thanks to the dreadful economy. Is it the responsibility of American taxpayers to prop up businesses in Ukraine, especially when many of our own are struggling to make ends meet themselves.

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