Saturday, September 23, 2023

Save our Country--Vote Trump 2024

‘ON DAY ONE’: Trump Promises Largest Mass Deportation In U.S. History

Former President Donald Trump has made a bold promise, stating that if re-elected, he will execute the “largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” Drawing inspiration from President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s tough stance on border security, Trump emphasized the current need for stringent measures to curb illegal immigration.

In his speech in Iowa, Trump explained, “Eisenhower was very tough under the border. People don’t see him as that, but he was. We’ll carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” He further pledged to immediately invoke the Alien Enemies Act to eliminate all known or suspected gang members from the country.

Pointing towards the threat posed by MS-13, which he described as “the worst gangs in the world,” Trump vowed to eradicate the menace of illegal alien gang violence once and for all.

Elect Trump if you want to save our country! It's that simple!


Anonymous said...

“We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out."

- Trump in 2016

"On the day of his self-declared presidential campaign kickoff, President Trump is threatening to deport "millions" of immigrants in the United States illegally beginning "next week."

- Trump in 2019

He plays y'all like a fiddle and you fall for it every single time.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, you choose to believe that anonymous--
Read this--

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:36...the fact of the matter is that Biden has opened our borders and should be removed from office for violating the law. Mayorkas should be fired immediately.

The Trump administration revamped the asylum-seeking process in many ways, including by:

Denying asylum to people who did not ask for protection in another country first;

Entering into agreements with Central American countries so that they’d take asylum seekers who would have otherwise applied for protection in the United States; and

Launching the "Remain in Mexico" program that sent asylum seekers to Mexico to wait there for a resolution of their case. Previous administrations allowed people into the United States as their case made its way through the complex immigration system. (It can take years for cases to be resolved.)

It is a broken system thanks to Democrats. Why don't you harp on that, anonymous? Obama was the root cause of most of our problems today.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how he's going to move 100,000 immigrants that are arriving daily more and more in New York City there's at least 2000 a day moving into New York City so how's he going to bust him all out and how much is that going to cost us taxpayers we need to stop taking people from other countries we can't even take care of the people that we have the US has been give give give and nobody's given to us