Monday, September 18, 2023

Approved Budget or Shutdown?

Senator Says Democrats Are Pushing For Shutdown

"Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told fill-in presenter Jason Chaffetz on this week’s episode of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that Democrats were hoping for a shutdown as the deadline for a budget deal in Congress approaches.

The Republican from Tennessee claims that Democrats want a shutdown so that the investigations of President Joe Biden by the Republican-led House can’t proceed.

Blackburn said that the government shutdown is something the Democrats want because it would stop the investigations the House is doing. The senator noted that Chairman Comer, Chairman Jordan, and Chairman Smith are still working hard to acquire this data and learn more about the connection between “Joe Biden and Biden Inc.”

While government funding technically expires on Sept. 30, the House has just 10 working days to pass a short-term funding extension.


I think Democrats want a shutdown so that they can blame it all on Republicans. It's that simple as they never compromise.

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