Thursday, September 28, 2023

Viktor Shokin may be witness in Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Possible Key Witness In Biden Impeachment Trial, From Ukraine, Makes Serious Allegations

A potential key witness in the case against President Biden is Viktor Shokin, the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Shokin has made grave accusations against the incumbent president, claiming that he attempted to have him killed.

These allegations have been given further credence by the fact that in 2016, Biden was allegedly involved in a blackmail scheme to force the Ukrainian government to dismiss Shokin due to his investigations into Biden’s activities becoming too dangerous.

In early 2015, the Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office placed Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, on a wanted list for illegal enrichment and initiated investigations that also implicated Hunter Biden.

This prompted then Vice President Joe Biden to pressure Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during an official visit in March 2016 by threatening to withhold a $1 billion loan unless Viktor Shokin, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine appointed by Poroshenko in February 2015, was dismissed.

Read more... about corrupt Biden.

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