Friday, September 29, 2023

Classified Documents case

Federal Officials Have Interviewed 100 Witnesses in Biden Classified Docs Probe

Federal authorities have conducted interviews with and obtained testimony from 100 witnesses in an ongoing investigation into President Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents, according to a Tuesday report.

ABC News reported that federal officials have primarily focused on former Biden and military aides as well as procedures used when handling the materials. The report said that interviews took place as recently as last week, while some witnesses have been asked to come back in for additional questioning.

Biden, either as a U.S. senator or vice president, did not possess any authority to declassify any materials; Trump, as president, did have that authority.

Nevertheless, special counsel Jack Smith has charged former President Donald Trump in conjunction with his possession of classified documents. And his team incorrectly filed paperwork claiming it had turned over all evidence, as the law requires.


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