Saturday, September 30, 2023

Joe's Assault on America's Energy Shot Down by Judge

Federal Court Hands Biden a Surprise Loss – Then the Judge Hands Joe a Humiliating Lecture

Joe Biden has openly voiced his goals of eliminating fossil fuels and his administrative actions to date have left the U.S. energy world reeling. He continued his assault on America’s energy independence in recent actions by weaponizing wildlife protection laws.

Biden’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) imposed last-minute restrictions on an upcoming offshore oil and gas lease sale that spans millions of acres across the Gulf of Mexico. The lease was set to open next week before Biden’s BOEM shut it down.

The action didn’t sit well with a federal judge who struck down the administrative action. Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana granted a preliminary injunction. He ruled that the federal government must proceed with the lease sale by Sept. 30 under its original conditions.

Read what the Judge said

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