Thursday, September 28, 2023

The word "rat" was carved into his forehead

  Violent assault against a Border Patrol agent in Texas

Shocking Border Patrol Picture Goes Viral – The Truth is Out!

In a stunning revelation that has left the White House reeling, a heart-wrenching image of a bloody Border Patrol agent, allegedly attacked by an illegal immigrant, has gone viral. This shocking spectacle has exposed the grim reality of the escalating violence at Joe Biden’s broken border and sparked outrage across the nation.

The image was shared by former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores, who, despite losing her bid for election in 2022, has continued to be a beacon of truth in the face of a media desperate to bury the chaos unfolding along our southern border.

Flores’ post, featuring the image of a bloodied Border Patrol agent, came with a stark warning: “This is the type of violence that is being exerted on Border Patrol Agents by those who don’t want to be apprehended…Please pray for our men and women in uniform.”

Instead of just prayer, President Biden, just DO SOMETHING to protect our country and American citizens. Has Biden even called this agent? NO.


1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous, I don't know why you spend so much time on this.
The atrocity happened.
Who cares what year?
Do you believe in open borders and all the criminals, drug cartels, human trafficking and terrorists being ushered into our country? Does that turn you on or just the year when someone was beaten to a pulp at our border?
There are plenty of daily horrible crimes going on at our southern border.
And I don't give a hoot about Facebook factcheckers.