Monday, November 14, 2016

Stop being Cry-Babies

The cry-babies and the socialist agitators have also taken to wearing diaper safety pins on their clothing to demonstrate that they are “safe spaces” to those whom they may greet on the street. Bwaaa.



Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, we whined about the $20 trillion dollar debt, illegals, blackmail to Iran, executive orders at the detriment of our country...etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so if you whine, stomp and complain about what you think are the right things you're really not whining, stomping and complaining? Makes perfect sense to me.

You guys still aren't "over" the Confederate flag. Thing is, you're totally unable to understand the hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the release of terrorists fron Gitmo and the first ladie's frivolous trips abroad. Don't forget thugs, strippers and Sharpton welcome to parties in the WH. They really exploited the second term.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:45...the ONLY people whining and complaining and don't understand are you and your fellow travelers.
P.S. I bought a Confederate Flag once you guys went ape chit about it and started to destroy monuments and our history.

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a disease, get help. The problem with Democrats is their politicos want to rule the world while getting rich, its gone off the rails and their voters can't see that. Take off the rose color glasses. It's far removed from the time of JFK, misogynist that he was.