Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Big Lie - Andy Amoroso

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A few days ago I was  saying to a few friends that Andy has kept his re-election clean. I was sort of impressed with that but as it turned out, I spoke too soon. Why would I even consider that he would be a step above the rest? He voted with them on everything--against heights, wanted to tax everyone in our city for 34 years and never defined where the money would go, has taken campaign money from convicted felons and a disgraced congressman. He even wanted a national league ballfield in John Prince Park, a stone's throw from Lake Osborne Drive which would have changed our residential neighborhood forever.

This HIT piece against Frank McAlonan arrived and he is calling his opponent a LIAR when everything he stated on his mailer is a lie. You know, the residents in Lake Worth deserve so much better than this Trio.

1st Lie:  The Inspector General was invited to at least one Secret Meeting on the ITN of which we know. The ITN process is not illegal but it is, and was, SECRET. No one from the public is/was allowed to attend to even listen. As far as I know, no one from the public ever reported any "issue" to the Inspector General's office. So, if there was no complaint, there was no issue to be found.  Go here to listen to the ITN Secret Meetings

2nd Lie: No money being spent at the Park of Commerce (POC)?  Scott Maxwell said that the city would be spending from 7 to 8 million dollars out of our utility capital improvement fund towards the Park of Commerce. Click here to see the POC Budget that proves, once again, Amoroso has no idea what he's talking about.

3rd Lie:  No one ever said anything about SELLING the beach.  This is a total distortion and distraction to the truth. We agree that Andy never said anything about selling the beach and neither has Frank. It's all about a long-term lease of our casino complex and our lucrative parking on a deal to Hudson Holdings who proposed privatizing part of our beach complex.

4th Lie:  Jo-Ann Golden is not a major backer of Frank's campaign but has given him a contribution of $200. McAlonan has raised $$16,097 to date so $200 is not even close to being a "major backer" nor is she involved in his campaign. Years ago, Wes Blackman filed a complaint against Jo-Ann (she beat him in two elections) about her employer at the time, the CDC. As it turns out, there was nothing to his complaint and the investigation ended. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything and this group does.

5th Lie:  No one is suing the city to STOP the Gulfstream Hotel. The city is being sued because it did not honor the vote of the people on Downtown Heights. The city and this Trio has allowed the owners of the Gulfstream property to build higher than the amendment allows. This commission had the power to listen to the people and enforce the vote. It didn't. It was only interested in special interests and developers.

6th Lie:  No one is making up stories about Andy.  It is a figment of his imagination and most likely his charges are predicated on the fact that it is Andy who lies about everything.

Sorry, Andy. You lied.  And if you lie to get re-elected then how do the residents trust you about anything? And when you raise $35,940 for your re-election, something is radically wrong with that picture.

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Anonymous said...

It is sad about andy, we all used to be friends, now he cannot even look at you or avoids you, I think he feels a little guilty, but he has changed. he is dishonest and corrupt. Really changed a lot. I don't think his mom would be proud of him what he is doing. he even price gauges in his own store and does some corrupt things with what he sells. It is sad, once a friend, now these politics are all so much more important to him, he doesn't care about what we think, his constituents, so sad. I hope the $35K lasts him a while when he loses office as I don't think he is doing well after losing his house and all, he may end up in the poor house or maybe jeff clemens will help him out to move up like he did. They all have fallen to the devil. so sad, they need our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Andy Amoroso and his two buddies need to be held accountable. They are sitting up there like little dictators.

Weetha Peebull said...

Andy was inexperienced when he was elected.
He took keys out of his pocket and jingled
them towards me and said something like he
got a set of keys and the alarm code (training)
and that was it. Funny the Oath he swore to obey had
all the training he needed but he (the trio) have
no idea or desire to obey Constitutions (US & FL),
Charter (LW) or any rules!

It's called "Self Governing" and you have to
LISTEN to ALL the PEOPLE. Even your rules of
procedure allow for it:

(4) “District Public Forums” may be held
by the City Commission on a quarterly basis,
one to be held in each district of the City
on a rotating basis. Notice of such meetings
shall be posted no less than 14 days before
each meeting. No official action shall be taken
at these meetings.

Anonymous said...

Well, vote them all the hell out then!

April said...

When I go in to buy my paper, he is so busy giving his opinions that he never listens to a full sentence from my side.

His arrogance is amazing.

I will vote for Frank MacAlonan on March 15th.

Anonymous said...

At a public meeting Andy blurted out that someone had accused him of being a goat -fuc4er.The people standing there were shocked by his language. He's been accused of a lot of things, but that was a new one to us !

Anonymous said...

You know what's funny, they condemn Ryan hartman for cleaning up his act and looking like a commissioner should but they never say anything about Andy looking like he's going out with the garbage can. What's with that?

Anonymous said...

Actually it wasn't a goat, it was a pig!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah and you're the pig Katie. Andy won!!!

Anonymous said...

How does Andy buying an election of lies make Katie a pig?