Friday, March 18, 2016

Tonight's the Night, completely

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Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that special interests are the ones that put those three back in office and they do not even live or own here in this city. How sad for the citizens of the City of Lake Worth! I won't go to see this, I won't be a hypocrite. They are horrible elected only doing what the Illuminati(special interest) want them to do. These folks and the city of Lake Worth really need our prayers now. Pray for pam, andy, and scott, they really need them. God bless our city!

Anonymous said...

What are the odds of McVoy and Maier attending?

Lynn Anderson said...

they will be there

Anonymous said...

To 2:42pm
Gloating is for children and bullies. Looks like it fits you. Have fun. Adults won't be attending.

Anonymous said...

Then maybe I will go.

Anonymous said...

Annon 2:42 only real losers can identify another loser, stay away from mirrors or you will recognize one or just go talk with Wes then you can talk to another one as well. It is sad to think our city is in for more of the same.

Anonymous said...

Remember the front row is for the incumbents' families!

Anonymous said...

now, awful lot of citizens voted FOR and believe in these three.
shouldn't you all be respectful of the will of the people?

Anonymous said...

That's right, the front row was for the families.

Lynn Anderson said...

The only one disrespectful was at 2:42 when he called everyone a "loser."
Respect begets respect. Sometimes. But we're dealing with LW.

Lynn Anderson said...

According to my computer, they came in exactly at 5:30, the time that the meeting was supposed to start.
Thanks for your negative and "classless" comment which was wrong as usual.

Anonymous said...

7:20 - another liar from Pam Andy and Scotts team.

Anonymous said...

Yea they eventually arrived... After the commission vote to certify the election.

Maier was in the building before 5:30 but choose to miss the vote.

Guess he and McVoy had a secret meeting where they decided that missing the certifying vote would send some sort of message to the re-elected Mayor and commissioners - I've got news for you, the electorate took notice of your classless disrespect and misguided strategy, and we won't forget.

Seems McVoy needs to be reminded of his duties to actually show up.

Lynn Anderson said...

The meeting started at 5:30...PERIOD, the published and publicized time. They both arrived and were seated by 5:30. McVoy had a meeting with Bornstein prior to the beginning of the meeting I believe.
The incumbents, in anticipation of all that adulation, were seated earlier.
Take your lies to the bully's blog. There is no use for your BS here. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

By "special interests" you mean the large majority of residents who voted for them? Like me, a regular voter who has a special interest in seeing lake worth continuing to get better under the leadership of the Mayor? I'm sure that's what you mean. :)

Lynn Anderson said...

Take off those funny rose colored glasses...wake up and smell the truth. You all got hood-winked by big lies and big money. You probably didn't as you are part of the deceptive crowd.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't even that crowded. Maxwell was in a hurry to get to Dave's.

Anonymous said...

The Bully Blogger finally speaks truth with his video title "The Sweating in of re-elected".

Anonymous said...

If McVoy had a meeting with Bornstein before the meeting, then how was he on the dais and McViy wasn't ?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, they did NOT come into the room until after the election was certified.
PERIOD. You were not there.

Lynn Anderson said...

As said, they entered the room at precisely 5:30. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, LOOK at the video, please!
Sorry, but u're wrong on this and only reason I'm commenting is that u're calling people "liars" who are stating the truth about them NOT being there - I know you're mad as hell, but come on...

Lynn Anderson said...

ANONYMOUS, LOOK--I watched it live last night.
They entered the room at exactly 5:30. That is when this meeting was supposed to start. Right?
When I turned on the live video it was 5:29pm. The incumbents were seated. And for the last time, McVoy and Maier entered the chamber at the same time..5:30pm.
Now the question is, did Debbie start the meeting early? And I am not calling you a liar but you are arguing with me on this point so are you calling me that? Is the video up there yet? Check it out and see if there is a time on it.

Anonymous said...

Really, no one is going to address this comment from anon: "The sad thing is that special interests are the ones that put those three back in office and they do not even live or own here in this city"?

Seriously!!! Do you really NOT know that all three incumbents live here, own houses here and even have their BUSINESSES here??? This is the problem with this city. Lies, misinformation, non-truths, half-truths, and misleading comments and on and on.

Lynn Anderson said...

That wouldn't happen if you guys were not such liars. I believe it was the mayor who said it, and said it twice, "I am the only one here who owns my own home." I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that one!!! Must have been too much sauce at the Beach Club before the forum.

Anonymous said...

Of course the Trio lives here, but its absolutely true that outside forces made the bulk of contributions to their campaign coffers and as a result, outside forces are responsible for the results. Too bad, those outside forces will come a calling, and soon, for their pay back.