Friday, March 25, 2016

Letter to the Editor calls for non-reelection of County Commissioners who vote for Atlanta Braves, a billionaire corporation that wants to locate here at taxpayer expense

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Braves want John Prince Park

Letter to the Editor in today's Palm Beach Post:


Weetha Peebull said...

Great Letter!

Anonymous said...

So true! Can't even believe they are thinking about taking a beautiful park to $$$$$. Makes me sick!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Lynn and keeping us informed. I didn't vote for dishonest pam, andy, or scott and doubt I would every vote for any county comm incumbent ever again either. No more new taxes, I won't vote for raising our taxes, especially for paying for baseball stadiums for billionaires. Thanks for letting us know. Shame on you scott!

Anonymous said...

Wow, excellent letter. And I am very pleased and amazed that the Post would actually print it!!
I thought their editorial board only allowed pro development comments. If they do start covering the news in an unbiased manner maybe I will start reading their paper again. Had totally given up any hope of balanced informative journalism.
Let's fight money with money. County Commission meets April 4. I am going and I hope anyone who can attend will also, and quote directly from this letter. You want more tax money from me?? Not on your life if you intend to take away our parks for billionaires. And by the way don't expect my vote ever again. You want to fleece us out of our assets--and tax us more for this?? We need to start talking this up to anyone who presently enjoys our park.

George said...

Elected officials have schmoozed the voters with propaganda and lies about their agenda.

When they get elected they forget about the taxpaying public who elected them and start listening to and doing the will of developer interests. They seem to be impressed with wealthy individuals and feel important when they rub shoulders with them.

This is true on both the local and county level.

Many of us (the majority) are in Florida for the serenity it offered when we came.

All Aboard Florida and its partner huge freight trains are soon to disrupt the state's peace with great regularity. Now the County Commissioners want to give away a park to business interests-more noise and traffic- while our infrastructure crumbles.

Vote no on their tax increase and vote them out of office ASAP.

Anonymous said...

I just left a review on John Prince Park's website:
I walk here daily with my dog. Tree lined beautiful lake with great blue herons, great while herons, peaceful fishing and water sports. Sadly, our representatives are now trying to give this wonderful park to the Alanta Braves for a stadium. Please write, call and protect this great park with a long history in our county. Tell the Lake Worth City Commission and the County to not give away our best assets to satisfy their special interest donors. Keep Palm Beach Beautiful!!

Maybe if we just keep this coming up everywhere possible, we can create enough buzz to stop this from happening before people are aware of it.