Thursday, March 10, 2016

Partisan Politics involved in Non-partisan Lake Worth Elections

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Jack Latvala (born November 3, 1951) is a Republican member of the Florida State Senate, representing the 16th district from 2010 to 2012, and the 20th District, which is based in the northern suburbs of St. Petersburg, since 2012. Source:  Wikipedia

Why is this name of any significance to us here in Lake worth?  Well it isn't except for the fact he is associated with the Florida Leadership Fund that has the same address as Wake Up Florida PAC that gave a $500 campaign contribution to Pam Triolo, a registered Republican. Wake Up Florida also gave $3,200 to the Republican Party of Palm Beach County.

In every election, certain politicos pull out all the stops.  Sid Dinerstein, former chair of the Republican Party Palm Beach County, still contributes to Scott Maxwell's campaign.  Do you remember that robo call he did for Scott several years ago?  Mark Foley also gives to Scott's campaign.  In fact, Foley contributed to all the incumbents @ $500 a crack. Foley still has a large campaign account in the amount of $1.169 million at the end of 2015.

So, when you receive all these hateful mailers sent out for shock and awe from Scott Maxwell telling you that his opponent wants to kill cops or is an eco-terrorist, chalk it up to outrageous political lies and all that money he has raised, some of it from outside Republican partisan operatives that are influencing our non-partisan election. Ask yourself why Scott Maxwell has to resort to smut and lies. Also, wonder why he is going to this extreme.

He has now invited 300 people to his "victory" party.  Let's vote him out of office on March 15.


Anonymous said...

I find it really disgusting that he has already planned a victory party before the election. Just like our votes don't count. Sound familiar?
It is: the heights amendment. Ignored by the corrupt trio.
Now already counting his victory BEFORE THE VOTING on March 15?? Bought and paid for by outside forces.
However, I doubt if they have bought off Susan Boucher.
They haven't passed any new ordinances making citizen voting illegal, have they? It's really sad and very disturbing what is happening in our town. Tammany Hall in Florida. We have to stop this. Or kiss our town goodbye. Just another notch on a developer's belt.

Anonymous said...

OMG. How arrogant can you get. Please God slap this SOB in the face for us. I just received another trash can liner. Please, Scott, Amoroso and Triolo. SAVE THE TREES. Enough of this smut you are publishing. And as for the Police Benevolent Assoc. supporting Scott, Please tell me guys how he has decreased crime in Lake Worth. You have taken your "owns" money and put it in a political campaign instead of using it for your own. Have you ask the policeman/woman who is out their fighting increasing crime if they mind that you have taken their money away from them. I know that I will never give to them again. They have already shown me how they mismanage the funds.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please spare us the drama.

Every candidate hopes they win the race they run.

Every candidate running will be someplace on Tuesday night with their supporters awaiting the results.

For some the celebrating will end when the Supervisor of Elections calls the race.

For some the celebrating will ramp up and go much later as the winner and their supporters celebrate.

In any case, all candidates normally make plans on where they are going to gather to await the results- because you gotta rent the place for your party ahead of time... Unless you thing all these election night parties are spur of the moment shindigs or flash mobs, which they aren't.

Maxwell's timing on this piece could have been better, and should have been dropped in the mail on Friday to be delivered to his supporters Monday... That was unforunate because now his invite has leaked out and tongues are wagging.

Anonymous said...

Wow, guess Maxwell knows something we don't. He's already bought this election.

Anonymous said...

He is over the top. Losing his cool. He doesn't want that free lunch to end.

Anonymous said...

Did Maxwell INVITE 300 or is he EATING for three hundred?

Anonymous said...

All these comments only tell me that none of the posters have ever been involved enough in the voting process, to know, as the previous poster said, that every candidate will have some kind of gathering on election night. No matter the returns-
It's standard operating cross that off your list of complaints kids.

Anonymous said...

Hi here's my invite to my loser party.... Hmmm doesn't sound so good. Carry on.

Lynn Anderson said...

Maxwell is playing dirty politics. With all the horrible hit pieces, etc., it will be a miracle for Mother Teresa to ever win this election. Even if he wins by a landslide, he is still a loser. ☺ Sorry, Scott, but you really have gone beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely standard operating procedure to have an event on election night. Calling it a victory party though? He knows that they more you spend, the more votes you get. Poor city...

Anonymous said...

Scott is so Harrible! And if Mother Theresa did run, with all the money she would raise she it might be considered pay to play (or pray) and run out of town and she probably want to sell the Pier too (of course for a good cause, maybe pothole mitigation) And maybe SHE would send out invites to a loser party. Do you think we would elect her? Nah, we don't want that kind here in Lake Worth! Keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

It really would be funny if he lost, if they all lost!

The way they behave at the city meetings and the way they treat people, I would not be surprised if many dislike their behavior in public and not vote for them. They really are mean and nasty people, they treat the public like crap.

I won't vote for Scott or the others! I dislike their ways and want some new blood running our city. I wouldn't mind if they fired this city manager either, he has not been all that nice to many either.

What we need here in this city is to address the blight, crime, and city streets, what have scott, pam, and andy done?

NOTHING, that is why they will not get my vote!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynn,

I'm sure your head is spinning and about to explode today as even more hits the proverbial fan. I think the excited rhetoric and escalation in barbs from you, and the constituents at large is in direct proportion to the amount of ridiculous fabrications the cabal of Joann Golden, Cara Jennings, Dennis Dorsey, et al has been championing for years. What do you or your readers expect when outright mis-truths formulate the platform new candidates stand upon. Surely it is easy to see that this shaky foundation is faulty and is bound to fail in the light of truth.

Every city evolves, imagine when our city adjusted from horse and buggy to cars and trucks. Roads widens and Lake Worth adopted one way traffic patterns to accommodate the wider cars and trucks. I often think about how the microcosm of our little Lake Worth has changed when I drive past the giant horse statue atop McLelland's Saddlery shop at 317 N Dixie Hwy. They have been around since the 1960's and have evolved their business from a Shoe and Saddle shop to a specialty Saddle and Tack shop today. And all along, thru all the challenges they have faced, from Dixie Hwy being a main north - south corridor through Palm Beach county in the days before I-95 (yes I remember!), to neighborhoods pushing the horse and farm crowd further and further west, McLelland's has proven to be good at adapting to the evolving environment.

And so too Lynn, the days when all white straight males who were in the inner sanctum in towns across this nation, sat at their local breakfast diner and decided how things were going to be ruled, is over. Some still haven't figured out how to adapt, their playground is getting smaller and smaller, and their relevance is getting weaker and weaker. And eventually they die off.

We are a melting pot, of ages, of color, of sexual orientation, of origin, of beliefs. The sooner we all learn to get along the better, because none of us want to leave.

I pray Mother Teresa is looking down upon us and will bless us with her peace, in the meanwhile, try not to let your head explode.

Lynn Anderson said...

It is very sad that you have taken a racist tone to progress or the 21st Century. I believe in honesty and integrity, something you obviously stomp on. This is something that existed back in the horse and buggy days and has gotten lost through the power of corruption, special interests and a total disregard to what's important in life.

Carry on with your lies and smut. In the end, it won't be my head exploding but it will confirm what I think about sleazy people such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

To 9:59 - What a crock of crap. I will say that it is beautifully written so I know that it did not come from Amoroso or Maxwell. We are a melting pot of ages, color, sexual orientation, origin and beliefs. What about the poor, middle class (rapidly decreasing) and the rich. What about the need to help others and respect the opinions of the voters. What about equality. What about the morals, or lack there of, with the current incumbants. What about people telling the truth instead of constantly calling other people liars when they don't agree with you. What about misuse of funds by organizations such as police benevolent assoc. What about putting our city in danger in the event of a disaster. (Where is our Hurricane Fund). Yes we can all work together, but a few of us would prefer to work behind the scenes and do what they want to do instead of what the need to do to improve Lake Worth as a whole.
The only thing the current incumbents want is to develop this city as a big business center to get the optimum tax base. They do not care about the people of this city.
So take you beautifully written piece of crap and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Anonymous said...

By the way praying to Mother Teresa? She was for the poor and the hungry and the sick. If she is looking down on us she is seeing what corruption does to our city. Please do not pray to Mother Teresa again as I consider it demeaning to her.

Anonymous said...

On Scott's invitation re victory: Most running for office do congregate with their supporters the night of the election. Most thank the people who have helped them including volunteers. However, this is the FIRST TIME I have ever seen a "Victory Party" planned with special invites to $$$$; except in the Soviet Union or China or North Korea. There a grand Victory Party is planned because it is a foregone conclusion who will win. Their "elections" are a sham. This definitely speaks of the same thing.

Lynn Anderson said...

It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
You just never know in an election but Maxwell has so much money and so many special interests pushing his election to victory, that if you wanted to play the odds, it's possible and looks probably likely on paper that he will slaughter Ryan due to his horrible hit pieces and character assassinations.
But if you have to get re-elected by disgusting pieces against your opponent rather than on your achievements (they're not too many), then you don't have much going for you in spite of all the money and connections.
If I bet on Maxwell to win this election after knowing the tremendous odds against Ryan, I would lose as I always lose in a bet. I will know that I voted for the right person regardless of the outcome.