Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Incumbents - Above the law?

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I know it's tough to follow rules regarding political signs but these are on a vehicle parked on Lake Worth Road. Two infractions here!  Not only has the Trio brought out the bludgeon: they are breaking the law. Anything goes in Lake Worth by this group. We have seen it all before. This vehicle was parked in our downtown for days...against ordinance.

B) The placing of temporary political signs anywhere on public property is prohibited. Signs located on public property shall be deemed to be public property and shall be summarily removed by the city. Restricted parking zones, use.

(1) County code: No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle for any purpose or length of time in any restricted parking zone other than for the purpose to which parking in such zone is restricted, except that a driver of a passenger vehicle may stop temporarily in such zone for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading of passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any vehicle which is waiting to enter or about to enter the zone for the purpose of parking in accordance with the purpose to which parking is restricted.


Anonymous said...

Lynn, you are really reaching here I think....

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn, I just love that t-shirt on your blog that says you "don't play well with Communists, Socialists, Liberals, Jihadists or Obama supporters" where can I get one?

Anonymous said...

Liars, law breakers, scandalous materials being sent out why are you all surprised they have been doing this the last 4 years and some people actually believe them.
They can't even fight for their position alone, the need to act as a group so one can back up the lies of the other one. After all they have to keep their stories straight. Got 2 more trash liners in the mail today. The one that made me laugh was the one Paid for by the Firefighteer FACT PAC. Has a police officer on the front where it says "stand up for the brave men and women who stand up for you". We are as we feel that them using money donated by the Police Benevolent Assoc. and the Fire Fighters is a misuse of your money for politcal gain. As I have said, donations are down and the people soliciting the donations are taking a lot of flack because of these campaign flyers. They as well as you all have donated money to an organization that they THOUGHT WAS WORTHWHILE. You all just gave them a sucker punch. Congratulations.

Dennis V. said...

Two weeks ago, I sent an email to the city manager, mayor and commissioners, complaining about all of the political signs that are not in accordance with the city's ordinance. The city manager responded right away, saying that it might be a political freedom of speech issue. He said that he would pass my complaint on to the code department.
I have left several messages with the Code Department and the Planning and Zoning Department with no response. I'm assuming that they just don't want to deal with the issue so nothing will be done. I've had similar experiences with the city over noise issues.
So I decided to take care of the city's lack of consideration on my own. I have been removing some of the signs that are in violation. The visual pollution is just too hard on my nervous system. Two years ago when the Cottage restaurant was still in business, I was awoken at 1a.m. by very loud music. After two or three calls to the sheriff department failed to bring help, I took care of the problem by shutting down their DJ music.
I realize that this may sound a bit extreme to some but I just get fed up with the lack of consideration for others around here and the city's encouragement of such. Maybe we just need a few more bars in town.

Anonymous said...

Dennis, As you can see by recent happening YOU DON'T COUNT. Unless you have money, agree to the way they run things or kiss their collective fannies. And don't you date touch their property (signs) but it is OK if they touch others or put them in your yard without asking you. Remember Lake Worth only caters to the elite. NO ONE ELSE counts. Oh by the way they have selective hearing also and sometimes they just can't seem to remember the truth. Many of us have had similar complaints.

jgreene said...

By the way everyone keep copies of all correspondence with the city, incoming and outgoing as they will say they never saw it, you never sent it or what was in it was nothing but lies. They will also obtain emails that you sent to anyone else you have discussed any issue with and also may say that you had help writing your email because you are just to uneducated to do it yourself. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

You can't park your car on Lake Worth Road. You can't have signs on public property on the vehicle that was parked illegally on this county road. Get with the program, Gang of Three.

Anonymous said...

Anybody got a paintball gun?

Anonymous said...

Once again power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When you place yourself
above the law that is corruption. Can anyone have any doubt that the close to $90,000 so far amassed has bought numerous favors for the donors? A beach and free-for-all zoning? This is what happens with government behind closed doors. We must take back our city. And I still wonder how many snowbirds who legally reside up North registered also to vote in this election over free drinks. Actually isn't that why there has never been voting on Sunday historically?? So the politicians couldn't get voters drunk enough to vote for them?

Anonymous said...

For Christ's sake you guys need to calm down! I'm sure that if you're candidates had the cash that these guys have, you wouldn't say anything about their signs. Why doesn't everyone just chill out and relax, it will all be over soon. You think a few signs are going to make a difference at this stage of the game? Cmon people get a grip. Stop the madness.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you've reached a new level of hysteria even for you. Please see a doctor, they make pills for that.

Lynn Anderson said...

This really has nothing to do with signs per se, they just happen to be an example of NO REGARD FOR THE LAW. It is symbolic of this Trio.

And the anonymous coward at 7:21, so happy to know that you are a psychiatrist. Just what we need in Lake Worth. Give us some tips on potholes instead of your new level of insanity.

Anonymous said...

@7:21 - You don't have to be a doctor to spot hysteria. All you have to do is read your comments.
As far as the potholes- they will be fixed as soon as the park of commerce is built, which by the way, have you seen the progress? They're chugging along out there. Between that and the new hotel there will be a tax base, something that you all are overlooking. This new tax base will repair the infrastructure.. So like the other poster said, chill out, everything will be ok. Try to be positive, roll with the changes, Lake Worth will never go back to what it once was, the city needs bigger and better business to improve. Why can't you see this?

Anonymous said...

If our candidates had as much money coming in as your candidates?????? Let's just put it this way. Our candidates do not believe in buying votes or people in general. They and Lynn live to much higher standards than the LO TRIO. They would not stoop as low as you guys have. They wouldn't pay to play.

Weetha Peebull said...

Ya don't get to make up a bunch of new laws to for other people
and refuse to obey the laws yourself. The elected need to pass the citizenship test where it clearly states in question 12:

12. What is the “rule of law”?
▪ Everyone must follow the law.
▪ Leaders must obey the law.
▪ Government must obey the law.
▪ No one is above the law.

Ernest Y said...

The ironic part is that these three scum go around call everyone who opposes them anarchists, yet they're the one's who have no regard for the law. Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I just don't see what is illegal about this guy parking his antique car, that is licensed and allowed to be parked on the street in a parking lane, not blocking any sidewalk and showing his support for the three. If the signs were placed by themselves on the roadway and not attached to the car, they would be illegal.

Many of you have seen businesses that do this all the time. They park a car legally with a sign on it directing people to their business. It is legal.

Anonymous said...

It does NOT matter if its legal or not! The point is they are bad and we are good!!! When will you people get this? Its really that simple - Us = good, them = bad. If they break a law they are bad and if they obey the law they are bad. Nothing else matters!!!! Please repeat this mantra and you will be ok.

Dennis V. said...

Maybe everyone is getting a little too upset about those who bully and deceive. Look at the bright side. If you are ever given a fine or citation for violating a city ordinance, you now have legal standing for forgiveness of said violation. The city of Lake Worth has set a precedence on more than one occasion and with more than one ordinance that laws and ordinances do not have to be obeyed.--- And they wonder why crime is so high.

Ernest Y said...

@anon 832. You're right about the Park of Commerce. They've only been working on it for a few years and there's already like what, two buildings there. Once these business set up here and hire people, the roads are fixed, and a whole bunch of other stuff goes in, we'll only need 20-30 years to break even. Then we can start fixing the roads. Yeah!! Maxwell 2046!!

Anonymous said...

Lynn, sounds like again you have hit a nerve from the outcry from the despicable trio's minions. They work well in the dark, but don't like the light to hit them. Like cockroaches that scurry away when the light goes on. "Scurry, scurry, hissss--Why the person with the flashlight must need a shrink---"

Anonymous said...

Aren't they parked in a bike lane there? And in the "swale" as well? Their board fined a citizen some $500/day for doing the same thing on his own property when I was at their meeting.

Anonymous said...

Really, POC How many people will a warehouse employ. The businesses that will be going in there are already businesses in this area that are just moving. More empty buildings, Whoopee!! While we are waiting for the tax bases to increases just get out your tire jacks and new tires, rods, and shocks to navigate the pot holes. It will be another Minimum of 10 years before your roads will improve. Are we basing our whole lives on the Park of Commerce. If so I will be dead long before the pot holes on my street are ever repaired.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 10:14 am. I don't see any other cars parked their and I am pretty sure this is where my neighbor got a ticket because his car broke down. It wasn't parked their more than 1/2 hour. Maybe it makes a difference if it is "an antique car" Don't think so. Or maybe it makes a difference if you are Maxwell, Triolo, or Amoroso who is doing this unlawful parking. UMMM makes me think the later is true.

Weetha Peebull said...

Ernest Y - you are very funny!
I like how you use common sense
and take ridiculousness to its
logical conclusion w/humor!

Thanks for the belly laugh - I
needed it! Appreciate you for it!

Anonymous said...

All in all I hope that they all get voted out of office and to their MAIN campaign defendants... Bob Lepa, John Sz, Judy R and Tammy P, ya'll are just ignorant blind to the real truth while you live in the "special" part of LW unaware of the real low income areas . All that the incumbents have done is pull a blanket over the mess that this city has become. I can tell you right now ALL the employees hope they are voted OUT! Worthless Officials...

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought is that every official currently in office running for re election has said everything under the sun to get re elected except mentioning anything about the welfare of the employees. It is just a scheme these incumbents dont truly care they just like the feeling of power. If Lake Worth wants a change it starts with voting them out and if the win re election then everyone needs to stop crying because we as citizens did this to ourselves

Anonymous said...

I note that the first two comments under this heading are from the trio's team. Now doesn't that tell you something? You are rattling a few cages and they don't like it! And, of course, the same old same old: if the message may be true why then you MUST kill the messenger. And that's supposed to make it all go away; no rational thought required or allowed. BAM! Down comes the mighty gavel from Pothole Pam, and may the voters be damned!

Anonymous said...

in my neighborhood the same pot holes have been here for years: so where's the progress again>?????

Anonymous said...

Progress???? Yep, they have gotten bigger. Now they take out the undercarriage of your car. Maybe that is how they see progress.