Friday, October 28, 2022

Armed Robotic dogs - Dealing with the Devil

China Unveils Armed Robot Dogs - Video footage was released this week showing an armed Chinese military robot dog being tested. The robot is believed to be armed with a machine gun and ammunition.

In a recent open letter to the robotics industry, six US companies, Boston Dynamics, Agility Robotics, ANYbotics, Clearpath Robotics, Open Robotics, and Unitree Robotics, have pledged not to support the weaponization of robots and urged other companies in the industry to follow their lead.

According to the companies, adding weapons to robots “raises new risks of harm and serious ethical issues,” in large part because these robots are “capable of navigating to previously inaccessible locations where people live and work.”

The companies vowed not to include weapons technology in the robots they design or build, nor will they support other companies that do so. They pledged “when possible” to review customer plans so they can avoid plans that could turn a robot into a weapon.

In spite of these companies having ethical concerns, they have to consider that we are dealing with the devil that has threatened nuclear war. And it has been suggested that China has been stealing our technology as their robotic dog looks similar to Boston Dynamics--and the U.S. has robotic dogs.


Anonymous said...

these robot dogs have been tested here in the US for a couple of years.have seen them on 60 min and history

Anonymous said...

China is the Red dragon! The seven headed beast remember it is all in revelations it's in the Bible you can read about it and it's happening right now. China is very very evil and a lot of the people now running the United States are all in bed with China. Read the Bible, turn to Jesus! He is coming back soon, put all your trust in the Lord!

Anonymous said...

I don't think China is any more evil than any other country. They want to be #1 Hegemon, and since we've been asleep, like RiP Van Winkle, for many years, we have made it easy for them to overtake us.

I can almost excuse the people in their teens, and twenties, who don't know what is going on period, but how can you forget the New World Order, and Globalism if you remember Bush the 1st, and Clinton.

Did you think we could continue to prosper without manufacturing? The stupidity in the US manifests itself with the number of people dying from fentanyl. If you don't do drugs, you don't have to worry about fentanyl.

How about getting a job, idiot. Do you think the immigrants crossing the border are coming here to pick crops? They are coming here to use their computer skills, or work in construction.

The next time you see a construction crew, try to find someone who speaks English. Wake up Bozo! Thew best is not to come, it's been here and gone.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:12...don't have the time to give you all the reasons why China is our worst and most evil enemy.
Read this:

Anonymous said...

It's really neither here nor there. If you say the smartest kid in the room is not a very nice person, it doesn't help you to score higher on the test.

They are taking over our leadership position in the world, and we are too lazy and too stupid to stop them.

Anonymous said...

Read the Bible 3:12, it is all there!

Anonymous said...

The red beast with 7 heads is China! NTD news exposes China for who they really are, watch the New Tang Dynasty news!