Monday, October 31, 2022

Florida Voter Registration data is out!

Condition Red: Florida Republicans Lead Democrats in New Registered Voters 9 to 1

While there’s been plenty of political grandstanding about the upcoming red wave, especially in Florida, the notion is increasingly backed up with hard numbers. Florida Republican prospects in the midterms continue to look brighter and brighter as new republican voter registration outclasses democrats 9 to 1, potentially indicating the end of Democratic hopes in the state.

Registered republicans already hold the lead in early voting in Florida, likely spelling doom for Democrats, who Republicans always outnumber in votes cast on election day. But what’s more, the number of newly registered Republicans for midterms dwarfs the number of new democrats


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to compare registered voters to how many actually vote in all states to make sure there are not more ballots cast than there are registered voters! All very peculiar!