Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Voter Fraud is Real

Voter Fraud is real no matter what Democrats tell you

Planned Parenthood Caught Mailing Illegal Voter Registration Forms to Dead People in High-Profile Race

With Democrats going all-in to try and capture Texas’ race for governor, Planned Parenthood and the campaign of Democrat nominee Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke have been caught mailing voter registrations to long-dead people.

Planned Parenthood’s voter applications, sent to people dead for an average of nine years, also lacked legally-required disclaimers.

In the case of O’Rourke’s campaign, the applications were sent to people dead for an average of 13 years and had been filled out ahead of time. One could register the named person to vote by adding a signature.

Read more about it...


Anonymous said...

There has always been voter fraud. That is why they used to close bars on Election Day.

Still do in some states.

Anonymous said...

There's NEVER been voter fraud on the scale and scope that the Democrats/CCP pulled in 2020. Totally in our faces but nobody (including the Trump hating RINO'S ) did anything to stop it."Yeah,we did it.Fuck you ! ". Well, the crooks got what they cheated to get. God really does work in mysterious ways,because now not one sane person living in this country will ever vote for a Democrat again.

Anonymous said...

Cleta said on the war room today that they found fraud already in the drop boxes in Pennsylvania today that they put all these illegal ballots in the drop boxes before they were even supposed to be used and they were found all these illegitimate ballots they're going to try to steal and be fraudulent and have corrupt elections again we all know that the Democrats cannot win if they don't cheat they're all just complete slaves of the Satan please pray for our country and all the good people!