Saturday, October 29, 2022

Biden Impaired and Corrupt

Saudi Crown Prince Questions Biden’s Fitness For Office While Mocking Him

The current day-to-day leader of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has reportedly been mocking President Joe Biden (D) behind his back while openly and vocally questioning the man’s overall mental acuity and his ability to deal with the pressures of his role.

A report from the Wall Street Journal takes place in the wake of another report from the New York Times speaking out about the kingdom breaking off a previously secret deal that it had made with officials of the Biden administration to increase oil production prior to the midterm elections.

Not only does Biden have cognitive impairment, but part of his brain still functions sanely enough to make corrupt statements/decisions. But he has learned this through the years of being an elected corruption just comes naturally.

“Rarely has the chain of broken expectations and perceived insults and humiliations been greater than they are now,” stated one of the top veteran U.S. diplomats stationed in the Middle East, Aaron David Miller. “There’s almost no trust and absolutely no mutual respect.”



Anonymous said...

i dont like biden any more than others but cant we stop hearing how stupid he is.its as bad as news telling us gas went up every day we know it

Lynn Anderson said...

As long as people continue to support Biden crashing our economy, you will be hearing about it here.

Anonymous said...

two wrongs dont make it right

Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY wrongs are being committed by Democrats.

Dan Volker said...

You are riding on a bus...a person near you says he thinks the bus driver is blind. The reality is that the driver IS blind and is masquerading as a qualified bus driver.
Should others that see evidence the driver is blind, warn others on the bus to get off, asap? Or should they be polite and believe that THE HANDICAPPED... have a RIGHT to any job they desire?
We have a man with the IQ of a gnat being allowed to make huge choices for the world...all of a sudden, the blind bus driver is not looking so bad 😬

Lynn Anderson said...

I started reading that and said, that sounds like Dan. Then I looked at the author...:)
You're the best!

Anonymous said...

I'm riding on Dan's bus and I find out that not only is the bus driver not blind, but he's a great driver and he's responsible for doing some super things while driving the bus.

Turns out that the person claiming that the bus driver is blind hates bus drivers, all bus drivers. And they love making things up about the bus drivers to get them in trouble and to turn people against them. The only people who don't fall for this delusional person's scheme are the people who actually take the time to watch the driver and examine his driving record. The people who don't bother to take the time or are not interested in knowing the truth are the folks who listen to this deplorable person who are causing so much trouble for everyone by their lying.

Anonymous said...

Why does the truth bother you? He has destroyed the USA! We have a right to complain! Stop denying the truth about that imbecile! Ever day he is resident of the wh, we are going to point out his idiocy!

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:06...your head is totally in the sand. You are blind and cannot see.

Anonymous said...

Only two more years of this

Dan Volker said...

In response to anon@8:06...

In a horrifying demonstration of the power of Propaganda, we see a person unable to analyze any behaviors or news or actions that conflict with the communist/globalist/Democrat party narrative.
We are witnessing a person so conditioned by Neuro Linguistic Programming that their responses to key political issues have become effectively "WIRED" - when exposed to conflicting narratives they are now "wired" to ignore potential discussion of ideas or facts, and to immediately respond with a pre-programmed, Headline level, Democrat Narative -- no thought or idea points allowed-- no body of a story- only the headline.
A brilliant propaganda technique really, because it prevents real discussion of conflicting viewpoints, and because " any dog can do this"; Once properly programmed, even a person with a " dull/normal" IQ can hold their own in a screaming match against a more enlightened person from the conflicting viewpoint.
Such a person could comfortably claim that a blnd man could see. This is Horrifying...Too bad it's real.

Anonymous said...

Dan and Lynn, the devil is lurking and many today even on this blog writing are his slaves as we can see, a good example for all of us, we cannot live without God and so many who try are evidence, their ignorance is evident of their slavery to the devil himself.

Anonymous said...

Satan is the original cause of all sin!

Anonymous said...

Man is about to become at one with God! Jesus is coming back and he is bringing unity to the world for over a thousand years his reign will bring something completely different for our world we all just need to repent stop sinning and live by his commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ and then we can be guaranteed eternity into Heaven with him forever! It is all in the Bible! Find your faith in Christ!

Anonymous said...

Set your affections on things that are above, not on things of this world! Our main objective and goal in life for all of us should be to get into heaven and spend eternity with our King and Savior Jesus Christ! Nothing in this earthly world really matters it's an Earth School we're here to learn to serve to be good people to follow the commandments of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ our goal is to get into Heaven and spend eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Jill and sleepy joe have learned from their ambitions that their ambitions to become residents of the White House do not bring real happiness to their lives at all!

Anonymous said...

Through various means, not the least of which were the stultifying measures imposed by the government to control the Corona Virus, the Government has managed to take over the thinking part of the brain, thus weakening the ability of vast numbers of the population to think for themselves.

Weakness is easy, and that is what the population choses to accept. People identify with weakness. Weak people don't have to think or make decisions. The powers that be make the decisions for them.

To add to that weakness, is the incredible facility to become offended, if one would suggest that if perhaps, they would think about the issue, they might be persuaded in a different direction.

I seriously doubt that this disability can be altered by merely changing the party in power. It seems to be a world-wide phenomenon, that will only get worse with time.

Dan Volker said...

A well articulated position by anon@12:39
I would disagree with the conclusion however...As a group, Conservatives still retain the power to question narratives and to discuss all the detail points. Conservatives have not been programmed to avoid discussion with conflicting viewpoints-- in fact, most are happy to engage in such discussions. Unfortunately the Neuro Linguistic Programming wielded by the Dems now prevents the vast majority of this group from real discussion.

I believe that if Trump or DeSantis becomes President, and conservatives Control where the Dems do now...
that the propaganda machines will be destroyed and journalists that lie for party narratives
will be prosecuted or fired. America will return to everyone discussing news that is real...and once again we can become a nation with a chance.

Anonymous said...

1-26 until we stop hating our neighbors and turn our lives over to GOD we will never have a chance

Anonymous said...

JFC, y'all need some serious help.

Dan, give us a few days heads up the next time you plan on storming the US Capitol Building.

I so want to be there waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

"Bread and Circuses"

Dan Volker said...

The Dems pushed hate with CRT...a way to induce hatred with making one race inherently evil to another. The dems pushed divisiveness with many programs---each will be dismantled and shown for the lies that it sprung from.
America will recover with baby steps.
Slowly neighbors will understand once again what being neighborly means. Americans will start to talk with each other again...and in time more will feel the need to achieve a spiritual understanding and to re-engage with our Judeo-Christian cultural roots...a big part of what makes us Americans. The dems were out to eradicate this culture.
Soon enough the Dems will be out of power and slinking back to the dark places that rodents like Biden and Pelosi emerged from.

Dan Volker said...

Hopefully in a few years...Americans will not be of two separate classes that Hate each other...Either Democrat or Republican. This sickness is a product of the Neuro Linguistic Programming of the last decade.
In decades before this, Democrats and Republicans were commonly friends that could have discussions about important issues.
We all need to fight this programming and get rid of the evil news giants that have been the primary force that divided this nation...and of course we all need to vote out the incompetents that have communism and a future One World Government, as their End Game.

Anonymous said...

The optimism gene is totally absent in my DNA. I could be a little bit jealous of your outlook, but to me it sounds like Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia.

Dan Volker said...

Now this is funny.!!!.....A person so timid or cowardly that they will not post on a blog with their own name...and yet they claim to want to confront me, in an impossible-to-recreate event....and an event type I would never attend...which I suppose makes this an even safer threat for this anonymous poster to make 😉😁😁😁

Anonymous said...

CRT is not the answer like Larry Elder said you're using racism to promote more racism it makes no sense two wrongs do not make a right! We all need to look beyond race anyway just love everybody for the way they are if everyone could take personal responsibility for themselves and their actions and not be selfish we could all get along a lot better in this world but there's too much greed and selfishness today, no one takes personal responsibility for anything and that's what causes all of the problems in the world! Selfishness is the biggest issue---ego!

Anonymous said...

As you can see from ads on television, there are too many lawyers, and not enough legitimate cases for all of them to make a living. So, they instigate issues like CRT, gender issues, and the like.

It must be very easy to get a law degree and pass the Bar, or there wouldn't be so many of them.

To the future, lawyers I say: Get a Real Job!

Anonymous said...

Lawyers are corrupted! Like tax collector's in the times of Jesus, but Jesus offers Mercy to everyone He offers a chance to repent your sins and change your ways He's a merciful God like He was with Zacchaeus in the church gospel readings today in Luke!