Monday, October 31, 2022

Fetterman "debate"


Dan Volker said...

I think the real issue is... which one is more likely to drive MORE, of the more important issues people in Pa should care about....this is not supposed to be a popularity contest or even about which one goes to pray the most often. This should have nothing to do with what the mainstream News Media propagandizes.

UNless you or I meet a person like Dr Oz and actually gets to know him, we really have no idea at all about how good a person he is impossible to know this via News coverage, as News coverage is the actions of a Propaganda ministry, and it has no relationship to what is real and true.

However, we have all SEEN clips of each of these two guys speaking and answering questions----AND we all know that when a person has a significant stroke ( which we know Fetterman had), that brain damage may make it impossible for the stroke victim to ever be the person they once were again. I believe Oz is smart and articulate, and if the issues he talks about are important to the people of Pa, Oz will have what it takes to drive these issues to proper conclusions if he becomes elected. Fetterman on the other hand, seems worse than Biden, and we don't even know if he forms his own words, since someone else writes on a teleprompter --telling him what to say....he cant process spoken words...this should have disqualified him from the election, just as blindness should disqualify a person from being able to get a job as a bus driver.

If you were forced to go to war---YOU...and you would be fighting on the front lines with 2 dozen men, would you want a Minister or a pastor or a Priest-- a man you consider a moral giant to be leading you and the others in the gun fights to come--to save America...or...Would you want a battle tested Navy Seal that was a genius in combat to lead you and your group? This is relevant for many political races in America today...Serious issues must be championed and won, and some candidates could do this, and some have no chance. Some could do no more than to just vote on party lines....That is an epic fail for America.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Left demonizes Dr. Oz as nothing more than a TV personality. He's a Heart Surgeon, for gosh sakes!
And John Fetterman is NOT qualified to run for any office, much less the Senate. Can't even imagine another communist elected to Congress. Fetterman is a Bernie Sanders loser.

Anonymous said...

Most elected today are honestly unqualified, it is all about the $, greedy, selfish, and self-serving power hungry pigs!

Anonymous said...

I agree 2;13: most are unqualified.