Thursday, October 27, 2022

The solution to the border crisis is a new admin: National Border Council VP


Anonymous said...

biden and his administration his illegitimate regime because he is only a resident of the White House never elected legitimately he to is the cause of this whole problem with immigration right now and all of this human trafficking and drug trafficking that is going on, the buck stops with him and it's all his fault! If he's letting all these people tell him to do all of this he's the one that's in charge the resident he's an evil piece of crap he's going to hell he's always been a horrible person all his life we're just seeing it in full color right now because he's the head honcho he's an evil evil despicable person and he's to blame for this whole immigration debacle right now, it's horrible all of these people that are being killed on the border in the desert and all of these people with fentanyl deaths he's to blame for everything and we know that he's going to hell don't feel bad for him just because he has dementia now he didn't have dementia in the past and he did a lot of evil things too, pray for the United States of America and all its wonderful people, God bless America, amen!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to heels up harris the border czar who's supposed to be addressing immigration what did she ever do? All she did was cause more uproar chaos more smuggling more drug trafficking more slave sex slave trafficking! Maybe she can bring more ho's for Joe's in the USA! Joe and the ho gotta go!