Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Joyless Behar

Joy Behar was left speechless after this token RINO blew up on her live on-air

The View host Joy Behar epitomizes everything that’s wrong with the Left.

Recently her façade of caring about the “little people” slipped live on air. And Joy Behar was left speechless after this token RINO blew up on her live on-air.

Joy Behar was born into an Italian-American family in Brooklyn, New York. As the daughter of a Coca-Cola truck driver and a seamstress, she should be able to understand the challenges faced by working class Americans.

“Only seven percent of voters rank a threat to democracy as a major issue this election cycle,” she complained.

But the fact that President Biden has absolutely destroyed the economy is apparently something she expects voters to kindly overlook.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This lady is so disgusting she's so negative and hateful insecure she says so many horrible mean and nasty things if you're not in agreement with her side I've never seen somebody be so hateful but I do have someone at my job, who also is very hateful and negative and deranged she has major Trump derangement syndrome it's so hard to be around these negative types of people I don't know how they can have any friends and they obviously surround themselves with very bad and negative people get out of those health unhealthy relationships and don't be around these negative hateful deranged people not good for you! Get some God in you!