Saturday, October 22, 2022

We are supporting Drag Queens in Ecuador for "Diversity and Inclusion"

Biden Using Your Tax Dollars to Fund Drag Queens in Ecuador

There is great outrage among American taxpayers over the news that American tax dollars have been used to fund drag queen performances in Ecuador.

It's bad enough that it's going on in the United States but our tax dollars going out of the country for this diabolical BS?

The U.S. Department of State has awarded more than $20,000 for a cultural center in Ecuador to host “drag theater performances” in the name of diversity and inclusion, Fox News first reported.

The report cited a grant listed on a government spending website for $20,000 given to a non-profit organization called the Centro Ecuatoriano Norteamericano. The CEN would use the money to organize 12 "drag theater performances" as well as three workshops and a 2-minute documentary. The project started on September 30 and is supposed to run until August 31, 2023.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when are we going to start taking care of our true homeless.i dont give a damn for drag queens i do for our hungry people