Tuesday, October 18, 2022

DOJ recommends Stiff Sentence for Steve Bannon

DOJ Recommends Outrageous Sentence for Steve Bannon

The DOJ is recommending an extremely stiff sentence for Steve Bannon, who was convicted of contempt of Congress earlier in the year after defying a subpoena by the January 6th committee. According to the sentencing memorandum, the federal government wants Bannon to spend six months in prison and have to pay a $200,000 fine.

The sentencing demand by the DOJ outpaced expectations, which were that Bannon would spend 30 days or so in jail. Six months is nearly unheard of in these cases. In fact, anyone getting criminally prosecuted for not obeying a congressional subpoena is nearly unheard of.

It wasn’t that long ago that Obama officials Eric Holder and Lois Lerner both defied congressional subpoenas from a Republican-controlled House. Despite criminal referrals, and in the case of Holder, even though a large number of Democrats voted that he be held in contempt, the DOJ never even entertained the idea of pursuing the case criminally. None of this should be forgotten once Republicans retake the White House, and by virtue, the DOJ. Republican Daily

Recommendation of the DOJ


Anonymous said...

Being part of the "Law And Order Party" apparently means you follow the laws you want to follow and maintain the order you think is appropriate.

Lynn Anderson said...


Anonymous said...

Bannon looks like a throwback to the Neolithic Age. He acts like one too.

Anonymous said...

They want to shut down his war room show, the most popular news show online/tv!

Anonymous said...

His show is one of the best shows with info. You do not hear on the lamestream news. He works very hard 4 hours of news m-f and 2 hours on Saturday