Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Social Security Raise

They Have Just Made A MASSIVE Raise To Social Security And….

Well, it looks like millions upon millions of elderly Americans will be getting the biggest raise of their lifetime and that includes me. Of course, Biden has made me 50% more poor since he took office.

It turns out that folks who collect Social Security will be getting MUCH higher monthly payouts thanks to the annual adjustment for inflation. I guess Seniors can thank Biden for that, sort of, no really, anyway, the announcement came on Thursday, and we’re being told that this will be the highest increase in 4 decades. That's how long I paid into it.

Wow, Biden’s inflation really is HIGH, isn’t it?

Maybe people will now have enough to buy a carton of yogurt. A carton of plain, boring yogurt that I used to pay 3 bucks for is now SIX DOLLARS. It’s insane how high these prices are and honestly, I don’t know how some people are managing. I don't go out to restaurants with the frequency I did before Biden--they all raised their prices; we are all cutting way back.

Of course, there is a lot of controversy surrounding this move, which is also called a cost-of-living adjustment. Many critics believe government data is outdated and doesn’t actually reflect the struggles that seniors are facing right now in Joe Biden’s terrible economy. Also, the increase is the same for everyone, so elderly folks get the same amount regardless of where they live or if they’re wealthy. [threepercenternation]


Anonymous said...

Will there be any SS $ for me when I retire in two years? I paid in for the past 40+ years

Lynn Anderson said...

That is one thing the government will never get rid of. But the government needs to stop raiding the ss fund for other priorities.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Rick Scott's plan intends to sunset SS in five years unless Congress votes against it. Every 5 years, according to the plan, Congress will have to approve to continue SS. I don't like this at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's something we have to worry about. Congress has parents too. Even if they don't like Social Security, they don't want them to come and live with them and have to give them spending money.

Money is funny. Even if you have a few million, you still want your Social Security check. You worked and paid for it every day of your working life.


Lynn Anderson said...

And Medicare is another 2.9%