Thursday, October 27, 2022

Pennsylvania Screws up with Mail-In Ballots

Lawmakers Want to Know Why Pennsylvania Sent Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots

It's bad enough in Pennsylvania where John Fetterman is running for Senate and Barack Obama is on his way to bring him over the top. Instead, he and Biden should be convincing him to withdraw from the race right now. But politics prevails even if their candidate can't read or write or comprehend simple sentences.

Now the State just screwed up by sending out nearly 1/4 of a million unverified ballots.

“According to the data, as of Oct. 21, 2022, a staggering 240,000 ballots are ‘NOT VERIFIED,’” 15 Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives write Tuesday in the letter to acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Leigh Chapman.

“That is an enormous number of ballots, which, according to the law, must be set aside and not counted for the 2022 General Election unless the voter produces lD,” the lawmakers write.

Elections used to be simple. Everyone voted on election day; the votes were counted that night and we were notified of the winner. Democrats make things easier to cheat. Overall, Pennsylvania is a “blue state” — 49 percent of registered voters are Democrats, 37 percent are Republicans and 14 percent are independents or members of minor parties.

Read more about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They just won't stop cheating! They cannot win if the don't cheat!