Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Sad, Despicable Truth -Scott Maxwell doesn't care about the people

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Scott Maxwell clearly peeved.
In his mind, its people playing politics rather than finding the truth 
calling them "despicable."
In his "mind," he's right and everyone else is wrong,
 or a racist or a liar, or...

What IS despicable, is the letter sent out to the owner of this Mobile Home park that garbage would no longer be picked up at the curb. What IS despicable is the city manager continuing to say that the ZONING was changed in 2009 and they found through a recent audit that the park residents were not paying their fair share. What was despicable is Maxwell not knowing the facts and taking advantage of these Seniors at the demonstration and telling us last night that they had some fear of being kicked out of their homes--this never was said. And what was despicable was the mayor writing a letter to every resident there playing politics telling them that "one side has resorted to spreading lies and half-truths, telling you whatever it takes to make you afraid.  This is just plain wrong."

What was despicable, mayor, was the simple fact that you never once called anyone to get the facts or call any of the mobile home park owners.  You didn't call the HO president; you didn't call me; you didn't call anyone that you condemn. If you are focused on protecting everyone as you say, then you should have listened to both sides of the story. You only got one side which, as it turns out, is despicable in itself and as you would say, "just plain wrong."

The president of their Homeowner's Association, Jerri Greene wrote the city saying,

I do not know why your office leaked false information with regards to how much we pay for waste removal. But I would like to set the record straight and hope that you will also with the press.

 1.  There are only 333 lots in Palm Beach Mobile Home Park 2. We pay more than $4300 a month ...and definitely more than $12.88 per lot. There are 2 sides to the park. The South Side pays $4300.80 per month and there are 221 lots there of which only 213 are occupied = $19.46 per lot or $20.81 per occupied lot. The North side pays $2252.80 per month and there are 112 lots occupied = $20.11 per lot. Total is $6553.60 per month.

This is in line with what everyone else is paying. Why should be pay $8.00 more which puts us above what others are paying.

I don't suppose we could expect an apology but we would like for you all to provide accurate information to the public.

We have been given 3 different reasons for why you will no longer be providing curbside service but this, by far, is the worst reason we have been given.

Now we found out yesterday that the city couldn't find one account and was basing its "you don't pay enough" analogy on one Park (there are two parks and two accounts) when it released its figures to the Press.

This is an example of what I have been saying for the past four years--this dais does NOT listen to the people.  They do not explore the truth and they rely on staff for every answer. They complain about "us versus them" syndrome when in fact, it is their fault.  They hold the power. It should be all about the people.


Anonymous said...

"you didn't call me" lol

Lynn Anderson said...

I knew that would get to you, anonymous @ 12:37. I was there. I was the one who first published her letter on Jan 13th on this blog. I knew the circumstances. There are some in this city who actually investigate things. This commission did NOT, not once.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that there are some still making fun of others in this town who actually do research rather than get all their info from the city,,,The Herald comes to mind.I think he gets his info from Maxwell and that woman who is still looking for her father.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell only seems to care about the POC. Anything else in this City or anyone else in this City gets little to no attention except to be called out as taking money away from his pet project.

Why is he so high on the POC, further investigation needed. Which campaign contributors, buddies, friends own property in the POC? Does he have an interest in POC land. There has to be more to this.

Lynn Anderson said...

I'm doing what I like to do...exposing the crap. Besides, half the city gives me a hard time on a daily basis. They will never "see the light" even if it shines on them. Hopefully, we will be able to elect someone new. I have always been against term limits...maybe it's time we get them.

Anonymous said...

Just look at Scott Maxwell's posture. Totally DISRESPECTFUL of the people he is BEING PAID to represent! Granted,Commissioners don't get a lot of pay,but they wanted,begged pleaded,and now are lying to keep the job of Commissioner!How long did Maxwell rehearse that little fraudulent puppet show he put on with the city manager last night?You need to APOLOGIZE to the seniors at the mobile home park at the next meeting,Maxwell.And while you're apologizing, add one to me for calling me a RACIST for stopping your 800,000 blank check from the 63 million cash pot you wanted/needed. Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott, does the 500 dollars Anthony Marotta gave your campaign entitle him to sit in the back of the room and send you messages from his lap top during the meeting???
Maxwell is supposed to be a representative of our city. Not a cage match low life bully! His attitude was embarrassing to the entire city last night.I'M MORE THAN UPSET ABOUT THE FEET DRAGGING ON THE CASINO REPAIR, BUT YOU DO NOT BEHAVE THE WAY Scott Maxwell did last night.The Mayor was just as bad. Hey Mayor Triolo,can you shut Peggy Fisher the hell up? We can't hear over her constant grunting. A sheriffs deputy finally had to motion to her to stop talking last night !

Anonymous said...

Mayor Triolo, could you perhaps TRY to run a meeting? You should have IMMEDIATELY shut Maxwell down. His comments were not a liaison report. But you LIKED(maybe knew ahead of time ?) what he was going to say/do . And you liked ,and approved of the crap he was slinging so you let it go on.And on. Even Kevin Thompson from the Post looked uncomfortable and was rolling his eyes at Maxwell!

Anonymous said...

I am being to think that Scott Maxwell and the other two are suffering from Meglomania. (People who obsessed with their own power). They feel that they are infallible. The low trio are disrespectful do any one who dares to challenge them.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell is the biggest liar that ever came down the pike, he has perfected the lie. Now he is saying that residents in the park said that the city is forcing them from their homes. Bold faced lie.

Anonymous said...

Hey trio, if your ultimate plan was NOT TO FORCE THOSE people out of the Mobile Home park why did you three vote to Change the park from Residential to industrial (which you claim now is commercial). Would have left it alone if you didn't have an ulterior motive. That in speaks for itself. By the way MAXWELL your actions and your rehearsed speech last night was the most assinine thing I ever heard. Hey Mayor you must have been a part of that because any reputable mayor would have shut him down just like you shut people down that you don't want to listen to.

Anonymous said...

If you are referring to the eminent domain vote in the PC from last month then you gotta throw your boy Ryan Maier in there too because he voted for it too.

Anonymous said...

This whole enactment was very reminiscent of Scott's rant at a budget meeting when he rabidly attempted to practically publicly lynch Commissioner Maier for supposedly turning a single family home into a duplex. (With a wave of his magic wand?) And the proof was that someone heard this at Starbucks. He's looney, but it seems oddly purposeful as the gang of 3 puts on another performance.

Anonymous said...

Is Scott on steroids or is it all that good food at Dave's and Brogues?

Lynn Anderson said...

Brogues gave him a $500 campaign contribution. Don't know about Dave's.

Anonymous said...

To March 2 @ 4:50
What the hell are you on. I want some of it. No one was referring to eminent domain. We were referring to the zone change in 2013. What does last months meeting have to do with this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...