Friday, March 4, 2016

Know the Facts--Don't listen to campaign lies!

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The incumbents (Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso) want to tell you that they have lowered our electric utility rates and that we are the 4th lowest in Florida.  How often have you heard that lie?
  • Amoroso: "I successfully lowered electric rates."
  • Triolo: Lowered electric rates by 40.7% and created a law that forces the city to lower electric rates to FPL levels or lower." How stupid is that?
  • Maxwell: "Lake Worth now enjoys one of the lowest electric rates out of the 39 electric utility providers in Florida." Totally false.
And what these incumbents don't tell you is that they have to go into reserves (savings) of $1.276 million this year just to break even.

Click on link for The FACTS


John said...

this commission is so corrupt

Weetha Peebull said...

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul isn't lowering rates
It Is LYING! Reserves are there for a reason. If
we get hit by a hurricane we are IN BIG TROUBLE!

Projected Rate Adjustment

2016 - $1.276 MILLION (From Reserves)
2017 - $1.112 MILLION (From Reserves w/3% INCREASE)

Anonymous said...

Pictures says a thousand words. The lower electrical rates is just another political lie from the three of them. Thanks for the info. It sure is an eye opener. Why can't they give honest facts instead BS. Just like the crime rates. Out of 100 cities were are the 3rd highest. They have been working as a team of 3 instead of a team of 5. They are out for personal gains instead of for the city of Lake Worth. It is obvious that the people with money in this city rule.

Anonymous said...

Pam Triolo is a lair. Scott Maxwell is a liar. Andy Amoroso is a liar. Not their real names, by the way. If we get hit by a hurricane(and we are over due ) we are ALL screwed because of these three crooks.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that a lot of folks are complaining that their water bills have gone up, double, triple, quadruple. We know the water rates went up when electric rates went down so most people saw no savings but now it seems utilities is playing another game with water bills.

Anonymous said...

We tried to tell everyone what the real facts were about when it comes to the electric rates. It does not take a genius to read beyond the 1000kw costs to see that we are really in the lhigh end of rates when comparing over all rates we are near the higher end of the utilities and then raise water rates to compensate the little bit of savings for what we get for 1000kw savings. Vote these characters out people

Mary Ann said...

Remember, Maxwell, Amoroso, and Szerdi tried to grab $800,000.00 each of our money to spend at their discretion.

Maxwell and Amoroso are known to have suspect financial histories- Maxwell at Burger King and Amoroso with the travel agency he closed, keeping customers deposits, so our $800K they each wanted to grab would likely have been used for self enrichment.

Vote these shady characters out of office on March 15th.

Do we really want to be represented by someone who sells pornography on Lake Avenue, our main street?

Vote for MacAlonan, Hartman, Jacques, and Antieau on March 15th.

Laurel said...

where are you getting these pretty, completely wrong numbers from? Please throw them out and use the published city budget.
They have burned through over $12 million in utility reserves since taking office, $2.5 million in this budget year 2016.

Lynn Anderson said...

The numbers and this graph were provided by the consultant that the city hired during the budget process. They are his projections and confirmed by the UD a week ago.
But thanks for posting what they have actually LOST since they took office.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, We continue to see this as a campaign success for the 3 characters and yet they or anyone else ever talks about what happens to us citizens when you use more than 1000 KW we all of a sudden jump from the top quartile in the state to the bottom quartile as far as rates go and notice the fuel tax. On top of that we raise water rates so who gains from all this NO ONE unless you use less than 1000kw which is impossible in Florida. lets get the goons out.