Sunday, March 1, 2015

Quote of the Day - Rev. Franklin Graham

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“...I think it’s important for Muslims that are watching this program to know that we love them and pray for them, and I want Muslims everywhere to know that God loves them and he sent his Son from Heaven to this Earth, Jesus Christ, for them.”

“ of the problems that we have in the West is that our governments, especially in Washington, have been infiltrated by Muslims who are advising the White House who I think are part of the problem. And we see this also in Western Europe. They have gotten into the halls of power and they are an influence.”

~ Rev. Franklin Graham

Read more...  Rev. Graham was asked on the Bill O’Reilly's The Factor why he thinks “the world will not unite to stop ISIS, the Islamic State."


Anonymous said...

The part of the quote/interview that you left out is when O'Reilly asked Rev. Graham for examples of these Muslims who have infiltrated the govt...and he could not give one example. But he did say that he's heard they're there.

I'm glad that the most Reverend prays for Muslims. Maybe somewhere in his good, Christian heart he could find the urge to stop vilifying every single one of them.

Lynn Anderson said...

Maybe you can start opening your eyes, anonymous.
there are more links.

Anonymous said...

And do you believe everything you read at Media Matters or see on MSNBC?

Other headlines at that far right-wing website that is full of malware and spam:

Obama defies “white man’s law”

Obama makes Christians the murdering terrorists

Among others...

And the author's credentials:

Jackson is a highly sought national speaker, and he has graced the stage with luminaries as Sarah Palin, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Judge Napolitano, and Andrew Breitbart, to name a few.

Boortz, Breitbart, Palin?


Yeah...great source, Lynn.

Meanwhile, Graham still has no examples. He "hears" things.

Lynn Anderson said...

Look, your beloved president has fucked up this country. All the sources you just mentioned are them all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Washington Times! Next up: Fox News, Twitchy and Glenn Beck.

Here's what I find amazing. You didn't say a thing and you voted for him again when George W. Bush played nice with Islam and Muslim leaders for 8 straight years. Repeat: you re-elected a man who immediately after 9/11 excused Muslims and the Islam religion from complicity with 9/11. And you all said...absolutely nothing.

But yet, today, with a Democrat President, he can't even have a Muslim within 100 feet of the White House without you calling the President of the U.S. a Muslim sympathizer. Back in the Bush years, you would have been calling yourself unpatriotic. Remember the Dixie Chicks? Sure you do.

You all drink hypocrisy, digest it and get rid of it every single day and are blissfully unaware of how absolutely fanatical and bigoted you've become...or have always been.

I love this President...if only because he has ripped off the skin that the bigots and racists have been hiding under since the 50's and 60's. Now we know why they sat and did nothing as blacks drank from separate water fountains and were hosed down with water cannon. Now we know who those people are who want to return to "the good old days" of how this country was when they were younger and everyone knew their place. And for that, I'm glad we've gone through these last 8 years. Those people have identified themselves, many through blogs like this one.

You're of that generation, Lynn, as are many of Fox News viewers and members of the Tea Party. There's a reason for that.

Some have never moved on even though this country has.

Lynn Anderson said...

You and those with your political agenda ARE the problem with this country.
I can't stand this president because he is a phoney as you are. You are still fighting Jim Crow laws that were over 50 years ago. Grow up and get over it. We now have a president who is selling this country down the river and one that is not respected in the world. HOW SAD IS THAT? Start reading more Ben Carson and Allen West--learn something.