Monday, March 30, 2015

Marco Rubio says, "Let's stand with Israel"


It's outrageous how President Obama has been treating one of our strongest allies.
This month, millions of Israelis took to the polls to elect their representatives, and now that the Israeli people have made their decisions, it is time for the United States to continue to stand firmly with our ally.

Unfortunately, the Democrats' boycott of Prime Minister Netanyahu's address set a dangerous precedent. And the President's actions since the election have been irresponsible.

We cannot allow Israel’s enemies to think that America’s commitment to the future security of Israel is not as strong as it once was.

Netanyahu's address reminded us of what kind of threat a nuclear Iran poses to Israel, as well as the rest of the world.

But even with these warnings, President Obama plans to continue moving ahead toward a bad deal with a country that is responsible for countless terrorist acts and human rights violations.

It’s unfortunate that the Obama Administration currently treats the Ayatollah in Iran with more respect than the Prime Minister of Israel.

That’s why we need to continue to send a strong message that the United States STILL stands with Israel, just as strong as ever.

Will you lend your name? If the Democrats won't stand with Israel, let's show them that you will.

Proud to Stand,


P.S. Do you also think the Obama Administration is treating the Ayatollah in Iran with more respect than the Prime Minister of Israel? We need to show Israel our support.
Click here to Stand with Israel today.

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